(43) Audrey

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Audrey sink to the rug, her gaze going over the opened door of the bathroom where she just spent the entire morning after having a round of morning sickness and some other stuff she doesn't want to think about. A small sob slipped out, followed by another.

She began crying in the quiet of the guest room. Her chest heaved from huge, racking sobs that doesn't seem to end. She pulled her legs close, tucking her knees to her chest. She buried her face on the comfort of her thighs. Hoping it will muffle the sound.

She was fine yesterday. She was doing well in keeping her mind off the soft spot. But waking up today with a terrible morning sickness felt like stepping right onto a landmine. Amidst the distressing process of cleaning her stomach clean, she thought about how bearable it once was when Vren was right on her side, holding her hair back, rubbing her back and his voice so soft on her ears.

"Damn it!" She hissed as the memory flood in fresh new tears to her already weeping eyes. Her sobs echoed in the room.

She needed Vren. She needed him to wipe her tears for her. She needed him to hold her close. She needed him to say something inappropriate and make her laugh. She needed him to comfort her. She needed him to love her. Audrey shakes her head, horrified what the thoughts concluded.

My god, she needs Vren because she loves him. Her fingers went up to her head, nails digging to her scalp.

I love Vren.

Audrey quivered from the intense sobs ripping out of her chest. Her tears gushed out more profusely. Her lengthy waterworks has left her throat dry as sawdust and she was incredibly thirsty. She fixed herself with a shower and a little makeup. When she got out of the guest room, she wondered why the door to the master's bedroom was left a jar. She peeked through the opening, blushing in embarrassment when her mother caught sight of her sneaking in.

She was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking almost herself.

Audrey stood glued on the floor. She didn't dare move. She was even holding back her breath.

Her mother smiled warmly at her and patted the space next to her. The soft edges of her face becomes softer. "No need to sneak in. I've been meaning to talk to you."

"Oh." She steps in and padded toward the bed. She lowered herself beside her, adjusted so she was facing her completely.

She reaches for her hands on her lap. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

"No, it was unfair. I was angry and bitter. I took it all out on you because you were the one around."

Audrey shakes her head. "Really, mom. It's fine. I understand."

She squeezes her hands and tucks a strayed hair behind her ear. "I haven't been completely honest with you, sweetie. The divorce was mostly my decision."

Her eyebrows knitted in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"The only thing I got right was it was my own mistake."

Audrey remained silent, hoping she continues.

"Your dad has always been in a relationship with Rachel's late mother, Daisy. When I heard they've broken up I just jumped into the opportunity, risking my probability to a rebound girlfriend. I've been in love with him for a very long time but I know it wasn't an excuse. Then Daisy realized she wants him back. I fought for what I feel for him. Turns out, I didn't mean that much fighting because I found out I was pregnant. I automatically had the upper hand." She laughed humorlessly. "I turned a blind eye on his feelings. I just focused on winning him over, making him love me back."

Her tongue tasted rancid inside her mouth.

"It was selfish. I was completely incapable of letting go when it's time to surrender." Her eyes watered.

Audrey's throat contracted. Heat pricked her eyes.

Her mother stifled a sniffle. "Loving your father so much to hold on every single day wasn't a mistake. Overlooking he was miserable and much better off to be set free is the mistake."

Her mind wandered to her father. She never saw him miserable. Either he was trying to be happy or he was just good at hiding it. Or he was miserable in the privacy of his office. She hated her father for so long. Now, she doesn't know if years of avoidance and cold-shouldering was even worth it.

"You're not me, Audrey – if anything, you're not selfish as I was. You'll hardly make the same mistake as I did. It was wrong of me to think you ever will. And Vren is not your dad. There was no mistaking how much the man loves you. You didn't have to win his heart. He has simply fell in love with my beautiful daughter." Her hand caresses her cheek.

Her eyes moistened.

"I think we got off the wrong foot. I swear I would've reacted differently about my grandchild." Her smile was wide and even warmer. "How far along are you, sweetie?"

A hand surreptitiously covered her baby bump protectively. "Ten weeks." The corners of her lips quirked up. Although it automatically led to the baby's daddy, she allowed to let it linger. She misses him. So bad. She wants him back. And if he's already moved on with another woman, it would kill her.

Deep inside, she had known she's fallen in love with him. And it terrified her. She loves Vren immoderately and that's what scared her to death. If it ever ends, years of building her walls back won't do. She's afraid she'll never get over it. However, she's slowly coming to realize she would rather feel terrified having Vren than safe not having him. 

Hi, guys! What do you think? I know it's a little short but thank you for reading. And we only have little chapters left (a couple or three?).

Okaayy, I don't usually do this but, say a 100 votes for another chapter? If this gets a hundred votes, I'll upload a new chapter. 😊 Promise.

Shower this chapter some love by voting and telling me what you think in the comments! You know how it makes my day.

P. S. Shout out to this sweet human being @PTBUnicorn! Thank you for recommending the song. I love it. 

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