(24) Vren

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"Don't tell mommy but I've been putting on makeup every time we visit mommygrand's." Georgina Forester grinned up to him as she climbs to his lap. "She thinks I'm too young."

Well, she is young. Although that doesn't hinder the fact that she's beautiful as her mommy. His friend Nathaniel Forester has hit the jackpot on that aspect. He's never judged his promiscuous ways when they were young but he stood by his own virtue and waited for the girl to be old enough to be courted. That girl is now the mother of his children. Worth every grueling years of waiting in the sideline. Chassie George Lewis was an introverted girl with mischief up her sleeve. Intriguing blend of shy and sassy. She's involved herself in a few catfights that usually ends with a trip to the principal's office. Or at least that what he hears from the grapevine of gossip.

It didn't hurt that Chassie is breathtakingly gorgeous. If Vren has a thing for younger woman, he'd be one of the rejected admirers.

"Uncle Vren?" Georgina snaps him out of his thoughts.

He smiled down to the mini-version of Chassie that has the free-spirit of her Aunt Kathie. The kid could get dangerously close to being attractive at a very young age. Kathie has handed over her sunshine to her niece. Her smiles are bright and draws people. He's calculating the headaches his friend Nathaniel is going to endure in the endless line up of boys he will have to scare off.

"Do you think I can be a beauty queen like mommygrand?" Her hazel eyes batted in hopes of a favorable answer.

He chuckled, tweaking her nose. "You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." Well, Audrey has his head in a wild clutter besides the fact that she's also extremely attractive.

Georgina giggled. "Hold on. I'm going to ask Uncle Cade."

Vren realizes he and Christian were the third-wheels at the dinner Nathan and Chassie hosted. Of course, Kathie masterminded the whole thing. The couple just contributed the venue. Cade and Nathan were on dish duty. Their wives was indulging themselves with the cupcakes that neither one has baked. Chassie is bad in the kitchen. No, make that notoriously terrible at it. He couldn't count the horrors in the kitchen Ethan has told him during her attempts to a practice. Her older sister could be a little less trouble but let's just say their husbands has taught themselves to cook in acceptance of their culinary skills not budging to improve.

Christian was out in the back with Ethan who showed him the birdhouses he's shown him first. Because his younger has the habit of not showing up on time. They both used to have the habit. But lately, Vren has been too distracted to keep up said habits.

His brother showed up from the kitchen, persuaded by the little girl to leave his dish duty and give her attention. "Hey, Georgie here said you needed a kiss."

"From you?"

He struck him an irritated look. "Do I look like someone who would give you a kiss? What are you sulking about anyway?"

Georgina was nuzzled in his chest, absorbed with his tie which by the more feminine color than his brother usually wears is Kathie's choice.

"Who's lonely?" Chassie carries the cupcakes across the room and laid it carefully down the coffee table. "You're going to have one." She threatened when she notices his reluctance.

"Are you and Audrey having a lover's stiff?" Kathie asks in a sing song voice. She turns to her husband carrying Georgina. "What is it, sweetie?"

"I like Uncle Cade's tie." She enthused holding the fabric in her tiny hands. "It's pretty."

"Well, you're prettier," Cade says fondly.

Vren's jaw nearly dropped on the floor seeing his brother say something nice. In fact, he's never heard his brother speaks so fondly to anyone or anything. The little girl giggled with the compliment.

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