11: Why is everyone crying?

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The morning has just started and there are way too many things going on.

"Hairo's going for it again!"

"This early?! He's just amazing!"

"Seeing Hairo work so hard motivates me so much!"

"But is the new student okay?"

As I walk along the hallway, I see Hairo carrying 20 thick notebooks all stacked up. (Y/n) is right behind him carrying 10.

She looks over the pile of notebooks she's carrying. "Hairo, are you sure you don't need help? Isn't that too heavy for you?"

Hairo laughs. "Nothing is too heavy, (Y/n)! All you need to do is to try! Now come! We lean our backs on the wall and squat-walk all the way to the faculty room! What do you say?"

All the guys watching them cheer in the hallway.

"Yeah! All you need to do is to try!"

"Oh, god, how inspirational!"

"Even though what he said is totally impossible to do, I totally believe it's not!"

I totally believe the opposite.

(Y/n), on the other hand, is confused and petrified. "But, Hairo, there are stairs . . ."

Hairo balances all the notebooks on one hand (which, again, is cheered upon by the guys) and pats (Y/n)'s shoulder with the other. She becomes even more concerned. "Only two ways to go: either we walk up one step at a time, or jump up one step at a time! There's a solution to everything!"

Cue the uproar.

"Yeeeaahhh there's a solution to everything!"

"Now I know what to do with my problems in life!"

Good for that guy, I guess.

To no surprise, Hairo is doing all the weird stuff he said. Doing a wall squat by the base of the stairs, he starts jumping up one step at a time while holding the notebooks.

(Y/n) is watching him at the side. 'How is this even possible? Am I expected to do the same thing, too?'

Don't even try.

'I guess I won't even try. Who knows what'll happen?'

Good choice. She also goes up the steps one at a time, but not because she's doing the squat. If I may repeat myself, they're holding thick notebooks. Although they're only notebooks, it's still pretty impressive for one person to be carrying 10 of them, so that's why she's going up really carefully.

. . . But if she loses her balance--

And one by one, the notebooks start falling. Not from her stack, though, but Hairo's. Hairo himself is falling as well. He most probably missed his step when he was jumping.

I guess I spoke too soon. Psychokinesis!

I move (Y/n) to the side with the notebooks intact and make Hairo seem like he regained his balance even though he was about to roll down. I make the notebooks stack onto his hand, as if he was trying to catch them all.

Cue the uproar, once again.

"Bro, did you see that?!"

"Hairo really is a natural! How did he even do that?!"

"Ah, damn, I got dust in my eye so I couldn't see it! Hairo, do it again!"

The bell rings, and our homeroom teacher starts walking along the hallway. She sighs. "Go back to your classrooms now," she says, sounding really tired. "Hairo and (Y/n) . . . Just . . . put those in the faculty room. Please. Nothing else."

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