5: Good grief. More work to do.

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All seems well. (Y/n) is fine. Nendou is fine. Kaidou is fine. Okay, maybe except for the little accident earlier, but everything's fine.

I take a spoonful of my coffee jelly.

If she had bad luck ever since she was born, then wouldn't something tragic already happened to her?

I don't think I have to watch over her all the time. There may be accidents and injuries going on but that happens all the time in the anime.

Ugh. This is exhausting to think about. Come to think of it, I've been following her around since this morning. I'll just finish my coffee jelly and take a rest for a bit. I hope I don't have to continue this "god" act anymore.

I open my eyes and see white walls. White walls, white curtains, and white . . . hospital beds? Why am I in a hospital?

"Ah! What are you doing here?"

I turn around and see (Y/n). Wait, (Y/n)? What is she doing here? She's lying on one of the beds and she looks pretty bad with that cast on her leg.

I approach her. "Why are you--"

Then I wake up for real this time with a stinging headache.

It was a premonition dream. My premonition allows me to see into the future, but I have no idea when or how it will take place.

This is going to be annoying but I have no choice. I have to help her. I have to do everything to make sure that (Y/n) doesn't end up like that.

I check the time. 6:07 AM. It's still a bit early. I close my eyes for a bit until my headache goes away. But something's been bugging me about that dream:

Did she really talk to me?

Never mind. I guess I can't really sleep on this.

I see (Y/n) on the way to school again. She's checking her bag and muttering to herself.

'Okay. I have everything here. Even my notebook is here. Good, good.'

And we continue walking. Nothing bad has happened so far. No car passed by us. There weren't any other students around until we reached the school area. Everything seems too fine it's scary.

I sit on my chair and the door opens. Aiura approaches me, skipping happily.

"Aiura. I need your help."

She crouches by my desk, puts her chin in her hands and gawks at me like an animal. "Hmm? But aren't we going out on a d-a-t-e later?"

I sigh. "I never said it was a d-a-t-e. I just wanted to check out the store."

"Geez, Kusuo! There's really no need to be shy, you know?"

"Oh please. Can you just listen to me first?"

She stands up and crosses her arms. "Fine. But you really need to learn how to lighten up sometimes."

I look at (Y/n) and the . . . crowd she has gathered around her. It hasn't even been five minutes since we entered the classroom. You've got Nendou, Kaidou, Kuboyasu--wow. It's like I'm looking at my past self.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Aiura stands in front of me. "Don't tell me you've fallen for the new girl!"

"Seriously, what is going on with you?" I ask her.

"Well, I thought you'd be like that one mysterious guy in cliche fanfictions who falls for the new girl even if they've barely had any contact and little does he know, the girl will also start liking him back after he helps her and they'll end up together in the end."

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Never mind." She sits on my desk and looks at (Y/n) and the others. "So what do you want to do?"

"So you said she has bad luck, right?"

"Ah, yeah." She forms a make-shift binoculars with her hands.

"Can you check if she has the death sign on her?"

Aiura shakes her head. "Doesn't seem like there is. Wait, actually, I don't really see her aura. Now that's weird. Can you, like, go somewhere first?"


"Dude, come on! 'Cuz the last time I saw her, her aura was all over the place, y'know."

Good grief. More work to do. "Fine. And what's with your sudden change of speech?"

"Just go!" she says, shooing me away with her hand.

I go to the restroom and teleport away from the school.

'Yo, Kusuo!' Aiura tells me through telepathy. 'Did something happen to the new girl?'


'Her aura's weaker than usual!'

I teleport back to the restroom and go to the classroom. "What do you mean?"

"Check for yourself."

I remove my gloves and touch her arm. I look at (Y/n)--wait. God, Nendou, please move. I can't see her. I make Nendou fall into a chair.

"Oh?" He looks around. "What just happened? Guess I was tired from standing up."

I check (Y/n) and it's like what Aiura said: there is no death sign.

I put my gloves back on. "You're right."

"See! I told you! But why were you asking if she had the sign?"

"Obviously, because you said she had bad luck. And because she almost died from a racket and from a speeding car."

She tilts her head. "Makes sense. But wow. I never expected you to get worried over someone you just met."

"I'm not. It's just that this someone is prone to accidents."

"Sure, whatever you say."

Someone opens the door. "Uh, is Aiura Mikoto in here? There's a girl here who wants her money back from--What was it again?"

"From that crappy fortune telling!" a girl yells from outside.

"From that crappy fortune telling," the guys repeats.

"Oops!" Aiura sticks her tongue out and knocks her head. How annoying. "Gotta go!" Then she starts running out of the classroom.

'Don't forget our date later!' Aiura tells me.

'I never said that would be later.'

Then she doesn't answer.

Good grief. She's finally gone.

So there's no death sign and her aura is weak. She's okay. Do I really need to watch over her? But that dream from last night . . . Something about it isn't right.

I'm Not God (Saiki Kusuo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now