1: How many transfer students are we going to have?

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Apparently, we're having another transfer student at this time of the year. Honestly, why do they keep on coming? I thought Akechi Touma would have been the last one but I guess not.

Even though I'm a psychic, I cannot predict and go on about things concerning the future or how many bothersome people I would be involved with, but I sure wish I could.

"Yo, I heard the transfer student's a girl!"

"Are you sure? We've had all males so far. Well, except for the gyaru girl."

"Nah, I'm serious! I've heard the teachers in the faculty room talking about her. I heard her name is (L/n)! We've never had someone in our class named like that."

"She must be from another class, though. Besides, how many transfer students are we going to have?"

"She's not! And I don't know. But I'm positive this one's a girl. She's gotta be cute!"

"What are you guys talking about?"

"O-offu! T-Teruhashi-san!"

I'll end the conversation of my classmates there.

But it's not just the guys that are excited. Some girls are, too. Take note that I said some. Some of them are pretty excited to make a new friend, and some of them are worried that the transfer student might be really beautiful and their pride would be affected, and one already looks down on her.

For example, if you were to look into the thoughts of someone from each group of girls, it'd be like this:

'A female student? Ah, finally! It's hard to talk to boys and I haven't really made any friends yet in my whole seventeen years of living. I hope she can be my first friend.'

'A transfer student? And a female one? How about not "Ah, finally." What if she becomes that clichè fanfiction character who turns the eyes of boys into hearts when she enters the classroom? So not okay.'

'Transfer student or not, it doesn't matter. She'll be of no challenge for me because I am the perfect girl with the perfect looks and the perfect character.'

Okay, so maybe the first girl was kind of sad, but you get it.

The door opens and the teacher comes in. She tells us that there will be another transfer student, though the class already knew that as soon as the day started.

She calls the new student and she stands before us.

Two types of reactions were made when she entered the classroom.

Most of the class thought, 'Oh, she's just ordinary.'

And maybe around five students thought of befriending her.

"Go and introduce yourself," our homeroom teacher says.

She writes her name on the board.

'I better not stutter. Here we go.'

She faces us and smiles "Hello. I am (L/n) (Y/n), but you may just call me (Y/n). I won't mind. I studied in J.C Highschool from Saitama but transferred here because of--because of my dad's work. I hope we can all be friends." She bows.

'Okay I stuttered. And now everyone is quiet. This is awkward.'

It was quiet because at that point, everyone thought of the same thing: 'This has been the first normal introduction in a long time.'

"So, yeah. You know the drill," the teacher says in a bored tone. I don't blame her. She's done this more than three times within a year. "Be nice to her and stuff. And that's the end of homeroom."


It's lunch time and the new student is surrounded by the most bothersome people.

"Hello there. I am the Jet-Black Wing, though everyone here knows me as Kaidou Shun," Kaidou tells her while doing that dumb Chuunibyou pose of his. Even (Y/n) herself is disturbed. "I won't tell you much about me, but I will tell you that I fear that the Dark Reunion is coming, so--"

"Hey, transfer student!" Hairo says. "How are you liking our school?"

(Y/n) looks relieved that Hairo approached her. "It's very nice. It's also a lot bigger compared to my old school."

"Really? Glad to know it's okay here. By the way, if you have any questions, don't be shy to ask me. I'm the class representative, so it's my duty to help the class."

"Thank you very much!"

Hairo extends his arm. "I'm Hairo Kineshi, by the way! If you'd like, I could show you around the school some time!"

(Y/n) shakes his hand and before she could reply, Nendou appears.

"Oh, runt, have you bought the new issue of Jump?" Nendou asks Kaidou.

Hairo's eyes seem to be on fire and he brings out a tennis racket. Where the heck did he even keep that? "Ah, Nendou! The tennis club is having a mock tournament today after school. Do you want to join us?" He swings his racket around as if he's got a lot of space. I'm surprised he hasn't hit anyone yet.

"Oh, sure. But it depends, though. I might have to buy Jump later if he doesn't have it yet." Nendou points to Kaidou.

"Why don't you go buy it yourself?!" Kaidou yells. "You always get mine!"

Because of all this ruckus, you might have forgotten about the transfer student who is sitting in the middle of their circle. What is she thinking about, you ask?

'Did they forget I was here? I don't blame them since they seem very busy but I want to go and eat my lunch already. Wait, did that guy say Jump?'

"Um," she speaks out. Kaidou, Hairo, and Nendou didn't seem to hear her. "Uh . . ." She takes out what seems to be the latest issue of Jump from her bag. "I have Jump. You can borrow it if you'd like." She hands it to Nendou.

Nendou takes it. "Oh are you serious? Hey, thanks a lot, transfer student! Wait, what was your name again?"

She laughs. "It's (Y/n)."

The bell rings.

"Lunch is over. Oh well. See you later, (Y/n)!" Hairo says. Kaidou and Nendou also say their See-you-later's but I don't see the point of that since the four of them are in the same class.

'They seem nice, but I wasn't able to eat lunch. Oh well.'

I understand how you feel, (Y/n.) That happens to me a lot. But at least I got some peace and quiet today--well, in a way that they were distracted by a new character so they didn't come to me anymore. But it's better than having them crowd around me every second. I guess this new student will be okay.

(written 06/21/18)

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