8: She doesn't seem so bad.

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I overslept! I'll be late for school! Dad should've already pestered me to teleport him to work. Why didn't anyone wake me up?

I quickly get dressed and run downstairs.

"Ah, Kuu-chan," mom calls. "Why are you wearing your uniform today? It's a Saturday."

What? It's Saturday already? Ugh. I must've gotten so distracted because of the new girl. I was too busy to even notice.

"Why don't you go change into something more casual? Don't forget that you're going out with Yuuta today."

Huh? What is she talking about?

The doorbell rings. 

"Cyborg Ciderman No. 2! Cyborg Ciderman No. 2!"

"That must be Yuuta." Mom removes her apron. "I'll get it. You go change now."

I walk up to my room and sit on the bed. Yuuta's here? Why? How am I forgetting so many things today? 

I check my calendar and see "Meet and Greet with Yuuta." Ah! I said I'd accompany him to the Cyborg Ciderman No. 3 Meet-and-Greet today. I thought I'd be able to stay home and eat some coffee jelly. Sigh. Why did it have to be today of all days? 

After changing into casual attire, I go downstairs and see Yuuta bouncing on the couch with his Cyborg Ciderman No. 3 figurine. 

"Cyborg Ciderman No. 2" he calls. "We're going to meet Cyborg Ciderman No. 3! Oh, but don't feel bad because I still think you're better than him!"

I smile. This kid, really.

He starts pulling on my shirt. "Come on, come on! The meet-and-greet will start soon!"

"Take care, Kuu-chan, Yuuta," mom says. "Have fun!"

Yuuta holds my hand as we walk down the street. "Hey, Cyborg Ciderman No. 2, are you excited?"

I nod.

"Me, too! Oh, I know! You should have a showdown with him later!"

A showdown?

Yuuta starts jumping. "That would be so cool! Cyborg Ciderman No. 3 is definitely stronger but I want to see how you two will fight!"

Good grief. 

"Cyborg Ciderman No. 3! We're going to meet Cyborg Ciderman No. 3! Yay! I think Cyborg Ciderman No. 3 is the coolest! He's so strong! Hooray for Cyborg Ciderman No. 3!"

I get that Yuuta is so enthusiastic but he's kind of getting on my nerves already. He's saying Cyborg Ciderman No. 3 too much.


"Yuuta," I say sternly.

Yuuta tilts his head. "Huh? What's wrong?"

"--Ciderman No. 3!"

Wait, Yuuta isn't the one saying those things?

"I get it, Fujou. But don't be so loud early in the morning."

I look behind me and see (Y/n) with whom I think is her little brother.

"But, sis!" Fujou exclaims. "I've been a fan of Cyborg Ciderman ever since!"

(Y/n) laughs. "I know, I know. But you might be disturbing other people."

Other people meaning me.

Fujou lowers his head and notices Yuuta's figurine. He runs to him and taps his back. 

"Hey! Are you going to see Cyborg Ciderman No. 3, too?" he asks him.

"Fujou!" (Y/n) runs to him and takes hold of his hand. She turns to me. "I'm sorry--"

'Wait, haven't I seen him already? Is he a classmate? Come to think of it, Kaidou-kun did say that he has a friend with glasses and hair clips . . . Is this him?'


I nod. Well, then. I didn't realize I'd be meeting her this early.

She smiles. "What a coincidence! So you're the Saiki-san that Kaidou-kun told me about. Didn't know I'd be meeting you here!"

Yeah, so did I.

"Seems like both our brothers like Cyborg Ciderman."

"He's not my brother," I say.

She looks at Yuuta then at me again. "Really?"

"I'm just his neighbor."

Yuuta goes in front of (Y/n) and puts his palm in front of her, telling her to stop. "Hey! Pay Cyborg Ciderman No. 2 some respect!"

"Huh?" Fujou looks at me. "He's not Cyborg Ciderman No. 2!"

"Yes he is! I saw his powers!" He starts imitating Cyborg Ciderman's movements. "He went like this, then like that! And it went pow and zoom!"

(Y/n) laughs. "That's cute. You seem pretty close with--Wait, what's his name?"

"I'm Yuuta!" Yuuta says and waves his action figure in front of her. "The biggest Cyborg Ciderman fan ever!"

"No you're not!" Fujou says. "I am!"

"I've tasted all of Cyborg Ciderman's sodas!"

"I did, too!"

"I have all his action figures!"

"Me, too!"

". . . Oh." Yuuta offers Fujou a handshake. "Then we're both the biggest fans of Cyborg Ciderman No. 1, 2 and 3."

Fujou shakes his hand. "Yeah! Let's be friends!"

"Sure! You can even fight alongside me and Cyborg Ciderman No. 2 here!"

"They're getting along pretty well," (Y/n) notes. "Although, I'll tell you that Fujou doesn't have all the action figures."

"I don't think Yuuta does as well," I say.

"Well isn't that funny? Ah, but Fujou really loves this Cyborg Ciderman guy. He watches his show everyday. He always wished to meet him."

(Y/n) and I just watch Yuuta and Fujou talk about Cyborg Ciderman.

"Hey." Fujou looks at me. "Are you really Cyborg Ciderman No. 2?"

Yuuta nods. "He is!"


"I told you that he is!"

Fujou tugs (Y/n)'s shirt. "Is he really?"

She looks at me and smiles. "Yup!"

"Huh?!" Fujou yells. "Why didn't you tell me you were friends with Cyborg Ciderman No. 2?"

"Cyborg Ciderman No. 2 has to keep his identity a secret so he can continue to help people!" (Y/n) says and smiles at me. "Right?"

I nod and smile back. She doesn't seem so bad.

"Whoa! Cyborg Ciderman No. 2 in the flesh!" Fujou exclaims. "This is so cool!"

Yuuta jumps. "Yeah, and he said he'll have a showdown with Cyborg Ciderman No. 3 later!"

"Really?! I wonder who will win?"

. . . I never said that I would do that.

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