6: No, I am not feeling special.

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'Ah! It's Saiki-kun!'

Teruhashi approaches me and just stares at me intently. 'Hah. You must be really flustered by now, right? The prettiest girl in the whole world, standing right in front of you! But I don't understand. What's with the new girl? Don't tell me you like her because you like me!'

Good grief. What's with everyone thinking I like her? I've been helping other girls in the anime. Is this because I'm in a fanfic now?

Wait, what did I just say?

I look up at Teruhashi and just nod at her. But didn't this scenario happen already? Huh. I'm getting serious deja vu right now. 

'What the what the--that's it? Hello? Ugh, this is so irritating! Fine. I have to use my trump card.'

She smiles and you can hear all the boys in the class going wild. Actually, not just in our class, but from other classes and levels as well.


"The goddess is smiling-offu!"

"Who the hell is that guy--offu?"

"I don't know-offu. But she's smiling at him-offu!"

"Ah-offu! I-offu want-offu Teruhashi-san-offu to-offu smile-offu at-offu me-offu too-offu!"

What is wrong with everyone? Teruhashi smiles everyday. I mean, she has to.

'What do you think now, Saiki? Do you feel special?'

I think you are just wasting your time and no, I am not feeling special. I feel like a thousand men are coming to haunt me forever.

Teruhashi coughs and glances at (Y/n). "So, Saiki, what do you think of the new girl?"

I shrug. "She's okay."

"Really?" Teruhashi says. "Have you talked to her yet? I want to be friends with her but I'm kind of shy."

Yeah, come to think of it, I've never spoken to her.

"I haven't," I answer.

'You say you haven't, but why were you looking at her?!'

Good grief. Seems like I got affected by (Y/n)'s bad luck. Being interrogated like this early in the morning is too tiring. Save me, Takahashi!

"So, Sa-Takahashi-kun--Huh? Sa-Takahashi-kun! Sa-Takahashi . . . ?"

Everyone's favorite man appears. He's shyly rubbing the back of his head. "Y-you called, Teruhashi-san? Though my name is Takahashi. . . ."

"No . . . Ah, yes. I was . . . Sa-Taka--" She stops. "Never mind. Good morning, Takahashi-kun!"

'What's going on? Why can't I say his name?'

Teruhashi walks away. Finally. Sorry for filling your head with Takahashi, but I just want some rest for this morning.

Everyone seems to be either dead or asleep. Well, the guys are. After seeing Teruhashi smile, they all tried to maintain it. They did all sorts of entertainment (one even had a concert in the cafeteria) and offu's could be heard everywhere. No wonder they're drained.

Hairo claps his hands twice in front. "Last period, last period! Come on guys, stay alive! You can do better than that! Push! P-U-S-H! Push!"

And what do you know? Even our teacher is tired. Can't blame her, though. She had to put in a lot of effort just to stop the concert a while ago. Only Kaidou and Kuboyasu seemed energetic enough to be passing notes.

If you're wondering how I know that even though they sit behind me, I can still hear their thoughts and the paper being tossed from desk to desk. Everyone could hear it, actually. Even the teacher could, but I guess she's too tired to reprimand them because no one else is listening to her and she just wants the day to end.

'Hey, Aren, what do you think of inviting (Y/n) to walk home with us?'

'Huh? Why?'

'What do you mean--We should let her know the comfort of having friends! You were once a new student, too.'

'I guess you're right. But are we going somewhere or are we just walking home?'

'I don't know. What do you think?'


'Nah. We had a disaster with Nendou last time.' I check behind me because Kaidou suddenly stopped writing. 'I'm still traumatized from what happened but I can't let Aren know that, so I'll just put that (Y/n) is.'

'Oh. How about the arcade, then?'

'Do girls like arcades?'

'I don't know. Do you think Teruhashi-san would like to go there one day?'

'Why are you asking me about that?'

'I have no idea. So what do we do?'

The bell rings, which is weird because that must've meant that Kaidou and Kuboyasu were talking for a long time even though it was actually really short.

'Shun! It's dismissal time and we haven't decided on where to go!'

'Aah!!! Don't worry, I'll think of something.'

The teacher dismisses us and Kaidou takes it as a signal to stand up.

"(Y/n)!" he calls.


"Um . . ." He freezes up because he suddenly remembered that he looked like he peed his pants yesterday and she was trying to help him clean his mess. "I--uhh--hm--um--"

'Shun! What are you stuttering for?!' Kuboyasu approaches them quickly and puts his arm around Kaidou. "Sorry about him. Well, we were planning to invite you over to the . . . arcade. Oh and you can also ask us any question about our classmates so you can know them better, too."

Kuboyasu may seem perfectly calm on the outside but he's panicking a lot on the inside. 'I just said arcade! What if she won't like going there?!'


Kuboyasu yells inside. 'Yup! I screwed it up! I'm sorry, Shun!'

How is Kaidou, you're wondering? He's still stuck in the past so he has no idea what's going on.

(Y/n) starts shaking her head. "Ahh, sorry if I seemed rude. I'd love to go but I need to take care of my little brother at home since my parents will be home late. Uhh, we can go home together, though!"

Kaidou snaps out and starts nodding his head. "Yeah, sure! Let's go! Huh? Where did Saiki go?"

Good grief. I barely managed to avoid them before they started inviting me as well.

"Saiki?" (Y/n) asks.

Kaidou looks around. "Yeah. He sits somewhere in the front. Wears hair clips and glasses. We usually walk home together."

"Speaking of him, we didn't see him yesterday, too," Kuboyasu mentions.

"Well, it's fine," Kaidou says. "We'll get together with him next time and introduce you to each other! He's a really cool guy even if he's quiet."

(Y/n) nods. "Okay!"

'Another friend! This school is really nice.'

Hm. I thought they already forgot about me. I was finally about to live my life normally. Oh well.

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