10: It's a Psykickers meeting!

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I shut off my alarm. Yesterday was pretty tiring as usual. Yuuta and Fujou fell asleep on the way home so (Y/n) and I had to carry them on our backs.

Anyways, today is a Sunday, the day when I just sit on the couch and read manga and eat coffee jelly. Just pure relaxation.

'Hello? Kusuo? Paging Kusuo?'

No. Just no.

'Kusuo! Let's have our date later!'

Please go away, Aiura.

'A new coffee jelly variation special, uh, thing just came out and I was wondering if you wanted to--'

'What time did you say we're meeting?'

I can hear Aiura sigh in her head. That's weird. 'You're so easy to bribe, you know that?'

'No I'm not.'

'Well, anyways, let's meet at the shop at 2pm.'


. . . Am I really that easy to bribe?

This place is deserted.

It looks nice and all, though it may look too bright since it's pink all over, but there doesn't seem to be anyone in here.

I open the door and see Aiura waving at me from one of the couches by the window.

"Kusuo! Over here!" she yells. Good grief, she doesn't have to yell. I can hear her loud and clear in this empty place.

I walk towards her and see a pest sitting on the other couch.

"Yo, Saiki!" Toritsuka says.

"Why is that here?" I ask Aiura, pointing to the foreign object.

"Hey don't refer to me as a "that"! I'm not a thing!"

"Shut up, will you?" I say, taking my seat beside Aiura.

She starts acting shy. "K-Kusuo . . ." she says quietly. "I'll remember this day forever."

"Don't think that it's something special." I grab the menu. "It's better than sitting beside that thing over there."

"Hey!" Toritsuka yells.

"Why is he even here, anyway? I was supposed to stay at home today."

Aiura clears her throat. "Well, I actually wanted to discuss about (Y/n) today. And since she seems like a special case, I gathered all the PK Academy Psykickers!"

"A special case?" I repeat.

Toritsuka raises his fist. "It's a Psykickers meeting!"

"That sounds horrible," I say.

"No it's not!" Toritsuka brings out a notebook and a pen. He opens it and on the first page, there's a photo from probably one of his porn magazines, to which he quickly flipped. "Oops."

"What do you mean, 'Oops'?" I ask.

"Ugh, this guy is disgusting," Aiura comments.

Toritsuka flips to one of the middle pages of his notebook and clicks his pen. "Come on, guys. Don't act surprised. Anyways, Saiki-san, please tell us about (Y/n)."

Good grief. This is going to be really long.

"Can we order first?" I ask.

Aiura sighs. "Right."

After placing our orders, we start our discussion.

"Well," I say. "First was Saiko. He nearly ran over her on the way to school."

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