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Za'Niya Davis| Niya

My head felt like it was pounding as I slowly woke up, I heard voices, I squinted my eyes so they won't kno i'm awake.

"She was ah fighter, but we got her." I heard somebody say, "Y'all got beat by ah girl, probably need some new employes" I heard another voice.

The voices stopped and I stopped squinting seeing that they were looking at me, I acted like I was asleep.

I felt someone kick me, and I sucked my teeth as the other one walked out closing the door after him.

I looked at the one infront of me and tried to get out only to be stopped by chains, I sucked my teeth sighing.

He chuckled sitting in the chair infront of me, "Hey lil one, my name is Zamarion Davis." He said smiling and I stopped looking at him.

"Yup, what's up little sis." He said and I did a double take, ain't no way my parents would have told me rigght? Right.

"Seem kinda confused, our parents didn't tell you about me?" He asked with a smirk and I sighed looking at him.

"You ever saw a boy room full of toy's for boy's and a boy room, with boys clothes that look like they were for a 10 year old?" He asked looking at me.

I shook my head, "No at all, plaus I haven't been with my mom and dad since I was loke 9." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh yea, they 'Died'". He said doing air quotes and I looked at him weird, "They did die, infront of me." I said calmly.

I really was mad but I couldn't let him know that I was though, he shrugged looking at me with this look.

"You kno you kinda look like Mom." He said and I rolled my eyes shrugging, "Oh, I been over years ago." I said.

"Sure you are, you-" He was cut off by the door opening and a man walking in, he was wearing ah suit.

He looked at me and froze, "You kidnapped her?" He said and I froze, I knew that voice anywhere in the world.

"Yea she needed to know the truth." Zamarion said, and I gasped, "Dad?" I asked and he looked at me.

My eye's grew watery and I looked everywhere but him, "Just let me go, I don't know you people I won't say anything." I said.

"Ahh, ion really care if you do." Zamarion said and I spit at him, it had barely missed him he looked at me.

He chuckled walking out the room slamming the door, Zayron came and untied me and tried to help me up.

I got up without his help and walked around him, I opened the door with the sleeve of my shirt, and walked out.

He was following me directing me on where to go, when we got to the front there was a woman sitting on the couch.

I knew that face anywhere, that was my mom, she looked at us and gasped, she got up walling towards me.

She tried to touch me and I moved, "I don't know you people why do you keep touching me iust take me home please." I said lowly.

She looked at me with a really sad look but I could care less, this day just can't get any worse than it already has.

"Zamarion will drive you home." Zayron (here dad) said looking at me I nodded waiting in a corner for them to take me home.

They just stared at me and I looked every where but at them, when it was finally time to go, I had to get in a car with Zamarion.

I got in the car and he drove off, I out my seat belt on and looked out the window as we drove, I looked at him.

He looked just like Zayron, "Do you know where my house is?" I asked and he nodded, I nodded looking back out the window.

That's really all I wanted to know I really just wanted to get home, take a shower, and I don't know from there what i'm gonna do.

"Umm... I-" He stopped and huffed, "I apologize for kidnapping you, I knew you weren't going to go with a complete stranger." He said.

I nodded still looking out the window, "Look I didn't kno they would be there, I kust wanted to kno you" He said.

I looked at him, "That's real selfish." I said looking at him and he glanced at me shrugging, continuing to drive.

"I've known you since you were a baby, till before you became older they hide me for some reason, never really knew why and never could put the pieces together, but I loved my little sister, we had a bond and i'm sorry." He said pulling up to my aunt's house.

I reached for the door handle, but stopped and turned around hugging him, "I don't kno you and I don't kno why, but I believe you." I said getting out.

I heard my name being called making me turn around and look at Zamarion calling me, I walked over to him.

"Can we like catch up?" He asled and I nodded, he gave me his phone and I saved my number giving it back to him.

"Oh, before I go." He said handing me my phone out of his pocket, I smiled, "Thanks." I said walking inside.

When I walked in my aunt and Chuck hugged me and I smiled looking back seeing Zamarion looking before he pulled off.

I closed the door hugging them back, "Where have you been we've been looking for you all day!" My aunt exclaim and Chuck agreed.

"Long story, but i'm sorry, never ever again." I said taking a breathe, she lokked at me, "You okay?" She asked and I nodded.

I didn't know if my aumt knew that they were alive or she really didn't know, we talked for ah while and they disciplined me.

I walked upstairs to my room before gasping, I ft'd Bubba and he answered on the first ring, "Alright, everybody out!" I heard him scream.

The room started to clear out and he looked at me, "Where the hell have you been?!" He yelled making me sigh.

"It's complicated, and ion wanna talk about it." I said and he looked at me hanging up, I didn't want him to know.

Seeing that his dad was suppose to have killed my parents the first time, and I really don't want word to get to him that their alive.

I trust Darius but not with this, I took my bath and everything and laid down in bed the next thing you kno my door busted open.

In walked Anissa, G, and Kia they all ganged up and hugged mr making me smile, "Hi guy's, i've only been gone a day." I said.

They lokked at me while I chuckled, "Where were you we all were so worried about you." G said and they agreed with her.

"I was just in a place thinking to myself." I said and they nodded at me, "I get it too much going on just needed space- but dang" Kia said.

We laughed and just caught up for the night, they ended up staying, and we all fell asleep in a weird sleeping position.


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