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Kiyanna Jones| Kia
5 days later

I opened my eyes, and groaned in pain and at the light as I opened my eyes trying to adkust to them.

But when I remeber what happened before I passed out, my eyes looked around and I seen everybody looking at me.

I sighed laying back down, everybody just sat there looking at me, "Omg" The girls screamed running to me.

I chuckled, ignoring the pain that shot through my body, "Hey guy's "I said hugging them back.

"Hey sus" Glock said hugging me, I hugged him back, "Hey bro" I said, and he pulled away, and Satan walked over to me.

He pulled me in a big hug, "Thought we lose you lil sus" He said and I chuckled, "No sir" I said, and he pulled away.

"Well, we'll give you guy's sometime" G said and they walked out the" Tobias looked at me, and I looked away.

I tried to turn over, but I ended up hurting my leg, he rushed over to me and I shook him off, "I got it" I said.

He sighed, "Alright" He said, I rolled my eyes and moved to my side slowly, I cloaed my eyes, before I started to speak.

"You can go now" I said, I felt him get in the bed, and I slowly turned towards him, "Hell no, get out I don't want you here" I said.

All he did was hug me while I silently cried, he hugged me and I pulled away, "Sorry, you can go" I said laying back down.

"This is my fault I shouldn't have left you" He said" and I sighed, "It's not your fault" I said and he shook his head at me.

"Nah, it is, if I would have just talked to you about it and just-" He stopped and just sat there for a second.

"I don't know, but I know I should have stayed there with you, and that I shouldn't have called you out your name, and that-" I cut him off.

I kissed his lips, and he kissed me back real passionately, I smiled and pulled away, "It's not your fault" I whispered.

He looked at me, "I really am sorry" He whispered, and I nodded, "It's okay" I said, and he looked at me.

"I-i-i rea-" He stopped and took ah deep breathe, "I really don't hate you, I love you" He said, and I paused and looked at him.

He looked the other way, and I smiled, awww I make him nervous, "I love you too" I said, and he turned and looked at me.

He smiled down at me, kissing me I kissed him back and he deepened the kiss making me smile into the kiss.

"I forgive yiu" I said oulling away from the kiss, he smiled at me and I looked down to hide my blush.

He pulled my chin up, "What I told you about holding your chin down?" He said, and I smiled at him.

"What I said?" He said again, and I smiled looking at him, "I'm too beautiful to be looking down" I mumbled out.

"Speak up" He said, and I looked at him, "I'm too beautiful to be looking down" I said and he nodded at me.

"I gotta go, the girls gon stay with you till I get back, okay?" He said and I nodded, he walked over to the door.

He called the gang in, the boy's said bye while the girls laid in the bed with me, with snacks, making smile and do a little dance.

Tobias Green| Hitta

I walked out the hospital with Glock and Satan following we walked to our cars, I pulled off towards the trap.

When I pulled up, Satan and Glock pulled up right after me, we got out and I walked inside going straight to the basement.

I watched as this nigga slept" I made sure he was good, just so I could torture this nigga to death for touvhing what was mines.

I walked over to the bed he was in pouting water on his face, he shook away and pulled at the chains he had on his arms.

I smiled at how he struggled, he blinked a couple time before looking at me, he looked at me and I smiled at him.

"Hi" I said, and I walked to the other side of the bed, "Remember that girl you beat on?" I asked and he looked at me.

He smiled, "You mean that stupid bitch that I got pregnant? Oh yea, Kiyanna?" He said smiling and zi just looked at him.

I smiled even though I was mad asl, I wasn't gone let him see that though, his face flattened at my smile.

"Oh yea, doctors didn't mention a baby, hmm" I said grabbing the butcher knife, I put it up to one of his fingers.

I chopped it off, "Well buddy, let's help get these up off you" I said as he screamed, I smiled and put the knife down.

I punched him, and kept punching his till both his eyes were bleeding underneath, his nose was bleeding, and his face was red.

I smiled down as I tapped his cheek, groaned out in pain making me laugh, "Okay back to what I was doing" I said grabbing the knife.

I cut off all his finger, then his hand, then his arm, he screamed out in pain and I was just loving it, the whole time.

I sighed when I seen his eyes closing slowly, and he was trying to stay alive, "Well this was fun, die slowly and painfully, have fun in hell" I said walking out.

I walked up the stairs, opening the secret door, and walking out to a normal hang out spot, is what it looked like.

"Finna go back tonthe hospital?" Satan asked and I nodded, "Finna take ah shower, get some clothes, then head back" I said.

They nodded, I dapped them up and walked out, but when I walked out the boys was following, so I turned around.

"Hell y'all going?" I asked turning back around walking to my car, " Finna head to the hospital" Hitta said, and I nodded.

"We gon stay there till you get there" Satan said, and I nodded walking to my car as I got in heading towards my house.

I grabbed some clothes for me, and some clothes that Kia had left over here, I put the bag in the car, and stopped by the store to get her some snacks.

When I got to the hospital I walked straight to her room opening the door, I shook my head seeing everybody asleep.

I woke the others up telling them that they can go, I laid down in the bed next to her, and she stirred awake.

"Hey baby" She said snuggling into my chest, "Hey, I got you something" I said as I gave her the snacks.

She did ah little dance making me laugh, she out it in the night stand next to the bed, she climb on my lap.

"I love you" I said, and shs smiled, "I love you too" She said, and I smiled at, "I like how you say it, say it again" I said.

She smiled kissed all over her face, "love you, I love you, I love you" She repeated, I smiled kissing her neck.

"I love you too" I mumbled against her neck, she moaned and I smiled, "I'm not fucking you in a hospital though" I said.

She looked at me and sucked her teeth, laying down I smiled, "Awww, the poor baby mad" I said kissing her head.

"Shut up" I heard her mumble and I chuckled, "Alright let's go to sleep" I said, she nodded already drifting off.

She rubbed my waves which helped me go to sleep, and I smiled wrapping my arms around her waist, and laying back.

"Night" She mumbled, "Goodnight" I said slowly going to sleep, I could tell she was sleep when she stopped rubbing my waves, and I was right after her.


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