Raizel x shy!Neko!reader

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Requested by: @shywolffoxcat

Hello everyone~
Yass! I kept my word and updated one more chapter this week😌😌 it's kinda stupid but i'm kinda proud with myself-

Also, thank you so much for requesting this and im so sorry for the long wait. I'm trying to write more now and hopefully i can publish another chapter next week or mybe soon!!(hopefully i can force my lazy ass to do it)

Please be patient with me for the ones that  still have their request on pending. Im trying my best! UwU
Anyways, please enjoy~
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Y/N's P.O.V
I stood straight up as i let out a sigh, trying to calm myself down as i can feel my ears shiver slightly in nervousness. I put a bright and confident smile on my face before knocking on the doors. After hearing a soft approval, i opened the door and walked in, closing the door softly behind me. I walked closer to my master who's looking at the windows, my tail swaying behind me as i walked. I stopped a few meters behind him as he glanced back at me.

"Good morning, Master. Frankenstein is preparing breakfast. Would you like to eat here or at the dining room?" I asked politely as i bowed respectfully.

"Good morning, Y/N. Bring my breakfast here" he simply said before turning back to the windows.

"Yes, master" i said, bowing down once again before excusing myself.

"Ah, Y/N" he called out just when I reached out for the doorknob.

"Yes master?" I replied, turning back to him.

"You will be the one to serve breakfast for me."

"Y-yes master. Understood" i stutter out, eyes widened at his words. I quickly bowed down and take my leave as i can feel my cheeks warming up. Once i was in the hallway, i walked away for a few meters and leaned onto the walls as i cover my face. Both my hands and ears shivers in nervousness.

"T-this is not right.. he's my master. Stop Y/N. Stop" i said to myself as i closed my eyes tightly.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" A voice said beside me as i jumped in surprise.

"Ah! Frankenstein, yes i'm okay. Don't worry" I quickly reassured him as i wave my hands in front of me, letting out a sheepish giggle.

He chuckled at my actions before ruffling my hair and ears. "You're so cute, Y/N. It's so damn obvious that you have a feeling for master."

"W-what are you talking about-" i freak out at his comment when he suddenly put a hand on my mouth, covering it as he glance to the halls of master's room.

"Shh, Y/N. Don't shout like that..." he winked, putting a finger to his lips, motioning me to stay quiet as he smirked, "you don't want master to hear us, don't you?"

"Frankenstein!" I pouted slightly at his teasings as he chuckled at me, reaching out to ruffle my ears one last time before walking away to the kitchen.

"Let's go, Y/N. Master is waiting."

I pouted at him and huffed out before following him to the kitchen, my face bright red.

"Master, im so sorry for the wait. Your breakfast is ready" I politely said as i served him his usual tea and plates of cookies. He sat down on the sofa and leaned back. I was about to excuse myself when he suddenly point at the sofa across from him.

"Sit there" he simply command, sipping on his warm tea.

"But master-" i protested, feeling self conscious of my the huge difference in our status. I flinched slightly as he turn to me, his ruby red eyes pierce through my (eye color)ed ones. I lower down my gaze as he sighed at me.

"Sit, Y/N" he command again, this time his voice sounds softer than before.

"Yes master" i complied as i sit down at the sofa across of him and brushed off the wrinkles on my dress, trying to avoid his intense gaze directed straight at me.

Suddenly he pushed the plates of cookies to my side as i look up at him in confusion. He let out a super small smile, probably trying to look friendly as his eyes went down to the plates of cookies before looking back up and locked into mine.

"Have some."

I failed to comprehend what he said as my mind was focused on his soft smile that he showed me earlier. I knew from long time ago that this man is the definition of beauty itself but i never knew his smile is THAT gorgeous.

"Y/N?" He asked once again as he stood up and leaned to me, putting a hand on my shoulder as he shook my body softly, "are you okay?"

I panicked as i quickly leaned back into my seat, his grip on my shoulder loosened as he raised an eyebrow at me.

"A-ah! I'm sorry master. Yes i'm okay. No need to worry about me, please enjoy your breakfast" I quickly reassure him as i feel my face getting hot. Luckily, he seem to believe what i said as he leaned away and sit back down, grabbing a piece of cookie and took a small bite.

"You have some too."

"Thank you very much for your kindness master, but this is your breakfast. Please enjoy it."

"Okay, you leave me no choice" he muttered softly as he stood up once again, grabbing a piece of cookie from the plate before offering it to me, raising it to my mouth.

"Have a bite" he repeated, his intense gaze boring into my eyes as my eyes widened from his action. I quickly took a bit from the cookies as i raised a hand to grab the left over piece of cookie from him but he suddenly bring away the half-bitten cookie, raising it to his mouth as he ate it.

"You have some crumbs here" he said once again as he leaned to me once again and wipe away a few cookie crumbs away from the corner of my lips, leaving me a blushing mess at his unusual actions.

"M-master-" i stuttered, trying to process what happened.

"Hmm?" He asked casually as he sit back down to his seat, grabbing his cup of tea and taking a small sip, "oh, have some of this tea too, Y/N" he offered as he stood back up once again and raise the half-filled cup to me but before he even get's near me, I quickly stood up.

"M-master, i forgot F-frankenstein was asking for my presence in the kitchen e-earlier. I shall excuse myself. Ill come back to clean everything later master. Enjoy your breakfast" i excused myself as i bowed down at him before marching to the door, my tails swaying behind me. I walked out and quickly walked away from his room as i try to calm down my heart.
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See you next time~


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