Rajak Kertia x shy!reader

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Hello everyone~
I'm sorry for everyone that is expecting their requests, I wasn't able to focus and write properly this past few days so the results are not that good. I keep deleting everything after i wrote them because i think it's not good enough. This is a oneshot that i've written a few months ago. I think this is actually the third oneshot i wrote so i've been keeping it for awhile now. I will publish this for now as i try to finish up the requests.

I think i'm just a little bit stressed out and tired because i will be having an important interview this sunday for my medical school entrance exam, i did passed the written test but i still have to go through the interview, psychological test and also the health test. I'm very nervous for this upcoming interview because this will be my very first interview in my whole life and it's very important. I think that's the reason why i wasn't able to focus on writing like usual. I hope you guys understand🙏

Anyways, i will try to finish up the requests as soon as possible and i'm so sorry for the long awaits once again.

Please enjoy~
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Y/N's P.O.V
I have been dating Rajak for awhile now. We have went to countless of dates and dinners. But the farthest we get is hand-holding or pecks on the cheek because of how shy i am.

Rajak of course never complains or shows any discomfort and always told me that loves me and that he will never leave me. But i feel bad for him because of my shyness, there's always a limit to how far we go. We've been dating for almost a year, normally at this length, at least one or two kiss has been shared.

For me, even a small peck on my cheeks or forehead can make me go red. Rajak of course understands my condition and supports me endlessly. But i feel very bad towards him so i decided to plan something special for him.

Since i have zero knowledge with this kind of things, i decided to ask Tao and Karias for some tips and help. I know Rajak will most likely scold them for teaching this kind of stuff and they know that too but they decided to help me anyways.

I told Tao and Karias before-hand that i needed to speak with both of them privately so they immediately understood when i purposely told Rajak loudly-so everyone will hear- that i'll be spending the day with some friends today.

Rajak of course allowed me to leave but not before giving me a quick kiss on my forehead and told me to be careful. Feeling brave, i stood on my tiptoes and pecked his cheek and immediately leave the room to hide my tomato face. A small blush creeped up to his cheeks as he tries to hide it by pulling up his mask but the tint of red on his cheeks are still visible which got him a bunch of teasings from the others in the room.

A few minutes later, Tao and Karias both excused themselves with their own reason, trying to not sound too obvious. Then we meet up at a cafe nearby and started discussing what to do. I was shocked with their dirty suggestions about what to do and shyly told them that we haven't even shared a kiss.

They both then stayed quiet for awhile, then look at each other before both shouted at me, "WHAT?!" Making the whole cafe glance to our table and i hid myself under my hoodie in embarrassment.

"Shhh... not too loud guys..." i scolded them softly and they immediately apologized. I explained to them about my shyness and how i felt about the sacrifices Rajak made for me.

"Do you guys have any ideas what im supposed to do to show him that i love him very much?"

"Thats easy, just kiss him"

My face exploded just by thinking of his hot lips meeting- i shake my head to focus and let out a sigh, "i cant do that... im too s-shy to make the first move"

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