Frankenstein x chubby!Student!reader

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Thank you for requesting to the one that requests this, i understand and i will not put your name here~
I'm very sorry that this request took longer than you expected. I'm going home from Malaysia now and very sad that holiday ended. It was a short but very memorable and enjoyable trip.
How did you guys spend your Chinese New Year?
Anyways, please enjoy~
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Y/N's P.O.V
I gripped the corner of my skirt tightly as the principal's voice smoothly boomed on the auditorium. My best friend elbowed me softly as she snickered when the principal addressed us as his "dearest students"

I blushed furiously as I elbowed her back, earning another teasing smirk from her. I'm a third year at the Ye Ran highschool and it's embarrassing to admit but i have this huge crush on my principal. It's actually not surprising because literally almost every female student In this school have a crush on the principal but unlike them, i don't like him only because of his looks, i love his personality as well. He may not remember this but when i was on 7th grade, he saved me from a gang of evil men when i was on my way home from school and since then, i've been having this huge crush and admiration towards him which also leads me to applying to his highschool when i learned that he is the principal of Ye Ran highschool.

Only my best friend knows about this huge crush of mine which ends up in endless teasings from her. I've been trying to keep this feeling as a secret because I don't want to lead attention to myself. I've got enough attention and problems with the girls in our school so I don't need to drag more problems to my life because of this feelings.

My bestfriend didn't knew about this because she's not in the same class as me but i'm actually being bullied by the girls in my class. They bullies me because i'm not as pretty as them and because i'm a bit fat than normal people. Personally, I don't actually care what they said about me, it hurts me but i have gotten used to it. I keep telling myself that if i stay quiet and ignore it, they will eventually got bored and tired of calling me names.

That's what I thought, but it has been going on for almost 2 years. They still bullies me even when we're not classmates anymore. What keeps me going everyday is my crush's smile that greets me every morning, yes, the principal's signature smile that always melts my heart. But recently, their bullies has gotten worse. Usually they will only insult me but never gets physical. Recently, they start to pull on my hair or even push me hard too which scares me very much. These last few days, some of them even slapped me in the face and her ring scratched my cheek. Luckily, it's not too long which makes me easier to cover them with some make ups.

It's not that i'm afraid of them, i'm just afraid of people finding out because they started to leave permanent scars, the longer this thing continues, the worser it gets which makes it even harder for me to cover it from my best friend. I'm afraid of everyone's reaction especially a certain principal.

School just ended, i was packing all my stuff and was about to leave the classroom when suddenly a girl pulled me back and i bumped harshly into a corner of my table, the table hitting the side of my stomach as i flinched at the hard impact. The girl snickered with her friends at my condition and give me a evil smirk.

"Hey you pig, come meet us at the back of the school in 5 minutes. Don't be late and come alone, we have some unfinished business. Don't even think about escaping" she whispered to my ear as she pull on my hair harshly. I look around to find the classroom empty, i let out a relieved sigh and nodded softly at her command.

They all then leave the classroom as i pick up my bag. I opened the classroom door to find my best friend waiting in front of my classroom. My blood runs cold with fear of her hearing my previous conversations with the girls but i let out a relieved sigh once again when i realized she seems to be wearing an earphone while reading a novel book.

When she realizes that i'm in front of her, she smiled at me as she closes her book, putting it inside her bag. I forced out a smile as i try to make out an excuse, "F/N, i'm sorry b-but the principal is looking for me. You should go home first. Sorry to keep you waiting"

"Alright, it's fine Y/N, just make sure to not go too far and don't forget to use condoms",She smirked at me and winked as my eyes widened at her response.

"F-F/N!" I yelled as i blushed furiously, she then runs away, waving at me as i tried to control the blush on my cheeks. What I didn't knew was, a certain blond principal was eavesdropping on our conversation, trying to control his pride and his sanity.

I let out a loud sigh as i make my way to the rooftop. When i opened the rooftop door, i find the girls leaning on the wall at the corner of the rooftop, all of them with a pissed expression.

"You pig! You're late. How dare you make us wait?" The leader said as she they all marched towards me, one grabbing my hair and the others holding my hands. I tried to struggle in their grips but there are 4 of them, of course I wouldn't be able to overpower all of them. The leader grabbed my chin and slapped my face with her other hand. They all started snickering as the leader tortured me but i stayed quite and keep praying that this will end soon.

Suddenly, the door was opened harshly, revealing our principal, Mr. Frankenstein. They all gasped loudly and let go of me as i slumped to the ground, breathing heavily with small scratches visible in my cheeks.

"Mr. Frankenstein, w-we were just-" the leader spoke up, trying to make up some sort of excuse as they all make distance between me and themselves.

"Shut it!",Frankenstein's voice boomed with anger laced in his voice,"i will not tolerate any excuses, you are all expelled!!"

Their eyes widens as i froze at his words. It's true i hate them but getting expelled is... too much?

"Mr.Frankenstein, I-" i was about to reason with him when he cut me off, "Y/N, it's okay. You don't need to say anything" he said with a very soft tone as he walked towards me and helped me stand up, leaning my body on his to support me. He turns his gaze towards the girls as they flinched, his harsh and sharp glare piercing through their soul.

"What are you guys waiting for? Get out of my school this instant!!" He shouted loudly, i flinched at his harsh tone as the girls all scurried off, mumbling any sort of apology. He noticed me shivering beside him as i keep my gaze on the ground.

Suddenly he pulled me in his embrace tightly as i blushed. I struggled in his embrace as i try to push him away.

"Mr. Frankenstein-"

"God, i almost lost it there. Seeing them hurt you like that makes me crazy."

He pulled me away but still hold a tight embrace in my waist as he look right into my eyes. He smiled and put a hand on my cheek as he softly caress my cheek with his thumb.

"You're even cuter when you're blushing"

I blushed furiously at his words as i stuttered out, "M-Mr. Frankenstein-"


"P-pardon, sir?"

"Call me Frankenstein when we're both alone."

"Yes...sir" i said unconsciously.

He let out a soft chuckle at my response. He then reached out his hand to grab mine as he intertwined them together. He pulled up our hand to his face and place a soft kiss on the top of my palm.

"I love you Y/N. I know this is wrong but, i'm in love with you"

I blushed furiously at his words as i averted my gaze,"I, uh- i love you too" i whispered under my breath shyly as he smiled and pulled me into his embrace.
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See you next time~


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