Regis x betrayer!reader part1(10K Reads Special)

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Thank you so much for all the support everyone!! My book has reached 10K reads and i'm so so happy about it!~💞
I can never thank you guys enough honestly... i wouldn't be able to reach this far without your support!! Thank you very much once again😭💞
I made this oneshot as my 10K reads special and omg it sucked so bad but please bear with me😭
Anyways, please enjoy~
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Y/N's P.O.V
My older sister, Ignes Kravei, came back with both her eyes bleeding but with a smile on her face. She shouted at me to quickly treat her eyes and i nodded, but realized she cant see me so i just muttered a soft okay.

She told me that father died on their mission with a bright smile on her face, mumbling some crazy stuff about soul weapon. I wasn't surprised nor sad with the news. I've always hated my father, no, i've always hated my family, including my sister. They forced me to betray the lord with them, betray Sir Raizel and betray the nobles, our own kind. I never wanted all this to happen. I was happy with my life until they destroyed it, for their own good.

Not only they made me betray the noble, they also modified me out of my own will. Its the greatest shame and sin for a noble to modify themselves. They destroyed my dignity, they took my body, and they used my knowledge. I was beyond mad, i will definitely take my revenge on them one day, but sadly, my father was already killed, now i can only revenge on my sister, such a shame.

After treating her eyes for her, she dismissed me right away so i took a small walk on the cities. When i was in the middle of admiring the view, i felt a faint power, radiating from a far away distance. I followed the energy and the closer i get, the stronger it is. It leads me to a small destroyed ruins and i found a young boy training on his own.

This handsome boy has silver hair with black streak on either side, a pale white skin and red traumatizing eyes. Then it hit me, red eyes, silver hair, he must be a noble. He's either a Landegre or a Loyard, but i heard that the Loyard clan only have one young lady left as a clan leader so he must be a Landegre.

Suddenly he turns to me and glared at me, as he immediately appeared behind me, "who are you?" He growled at me. I immediately back a few steps to distance ourselves.

"Huh? A noble?" He said as we locked eyes. "Wait, a modified noble?" He snorted, my eyes widened as i look down in shame.

"I asked about your identity, you damn modified noble" He spat out as i flinched. I was happy to be able to meet a noble in such a long time but i was scared. He will definitely report about me and Ignes will kill me if they found out about her too.

I decided to run away for now and prayed that he wont report me, since i can't bring myself to fight my own kind. I tried to escape but this boy keep blocking my way, i didn't fight back nor try to attack him. This boy must be the grandson of Gejutel K. Landegre and he used to be so kind to me so i will feel awful if i have to hurt his grandson.

"Grandson of Gejutel K. Landegre, stay out of my way" i said, as i tried to run away again. He was surprised when i said and i used that as my chance to run away. He tried chasing after me but i was faster, way faster than him so i managed to lose him from my track. I went home immediately and when i arrived, ignes was shouting my name, looking for me. I sighed once again and present myself to her.

A few weeks later, i went for a night stroll again and meet with the same noble. It seems like he was waiting for me because he starts chasing after me right away once he saw me. I was wrong to think that i could escape this easily. Suddenly a silver haired girl showed up in front of me. I turned right and tried to escape once again but a blond haired boy appeared right in front of me. I was shocked when we locked eyes.

"Rael?" I whispered as his eyes widened as well before he suddenly attacked me. I barely managed to dodge his attack because of the amazing kertia's speed. He's a pure blood after all, i thought to myself.

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