Raizel x protective!reader

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Requested by: @gauche_17
Thank you very much for requesting and i'm very sorry to make you wait for so long!! T.T
Please forgive me if this story is not like what you imagined.. but anyways~ please enjoy!!
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Y/N's P.O.V
I widened my eyes when i saw blood in Raizel's hand before he quickly wipe them away when he noticed me coming into the room.

"Raizel, is that-"

"I'm fine, Y/N" he quickly cut me off as he offer me a small smile. I run into his embrace as he puts his hand around me tightly.

"Please stop forcing yourself. You have no idea how worried i am because of how reckless you are!" I scolded with tears brimming at the corner of my eyes.

He smiled at me as he lifted up his right hand and wipes away my tears with his index finger.

"Tears doesn't suit you. Don't cry."

"And who's fault is that?" I asked as i pouted at him. He's always like this. Saying he's okay and never worries about his own condition. I smirked as an idea popped in my head.

"Okay it's decided!!" I shouted excitedly. He stares at me, a little bit shocked from my sudden outburst.

"What is?"

"I will be your hands and feet, Raizel" i smiled brightly at him as he tilted his head a little bit, obviously confused with my words.

Raizel starts to strip as he was preparing to bath. I suddenly barged into his room with a bright smile.

"Raizel, are you gonna bath now?" I asked excitedly as i rolled up my sleeves. He simply nodded at me with a slightly confused expression.

"Well then let me help you! I will wash your hair for you" i smiled with a tiny blush as i tie up my hair. His eyes widened at my words as he stare at me.


"Well, i did tell you, didn't i? That i will be your hands and feet. I will only wash your hair for you, don't worry! You can wash your body by yourself. Also, after that i will dry up your hair and while waiting for you to finish your shower, i will go choose your clothes. All clear? Good. Well then let's go" i explained and dragged him inside the bathroom without waiting for his answer. I filled up the bath up and while waiting for the bath, i told him to sit at a wooden chair and started washing his hair and massaging his head once in awhile.

As i was washing his hair, i put on his shampoo and hummed a soft tone. As his shampoo scent filled up the bathroom, i hummed delightfully.

"Whoa Raizel. Your shampoo smells really nice" i praised as i massaged his head. Little did i know, he was having a hard time, trying to keep down his blush from resurfacing. After that, i washed away the shampoo and glanced at the almost full bath up. I smiled as i start to grab a few bath bombs.

"So Raizel, which one do you want?" I asked as i offered him different kind of bath bombs.

"Any of them is fine."

I hummed for awhile as i stare at the bath bombs in my hand, trying to pick the one that will suit his taste. I decided to pick the Earl Grey scented ones. I wonder how it smells like but since Frankenstein's the one who bought all this for his precious master, i'm sure he picked the one that suits Raizel's taste.

I dropped it in the water and smiled as it starts to work on it's magic.

"Well then Raizel, the bath is all ready. Tell me when you're done with your bath and i will dry up your hair, for now i shall go pick your clothes. Have a nice bath" i said before smiling at him and taking my leave but before i completely walk away, i noticed the tiny blush on his cheeks and giggled.

"That blush suits you, Raizel" i teased as i walked up to him and kissed his cheek before completely walking away. His blush exploded even more at my actions as he dive in into the bath i prepared earlier. He let out a sigh at the warm water and relaxes his muscle. He gave out a small smile as the earl grey fragrance filled his nostrils.

I closed the door behind me with a bright smile as i start making my way to his wardrobe. I opened his wardrobe with an excited smile but it all disappears with no trace as i saw his clothes. He have hundreds of the same pair and that's it. He sleeps and go out with the exact same clothes. I noted myself to take him shopping soon to buy more clothes for him.

I sighed as i dig inside his wardrobe, trying to find something else. My hand touched a plastic bag as i pulled it out. It was a brand new black t-shirt with a black sweat pants, folded together in a transparent plastic bag.

"I wonder if Frankenstein bought him this but he threw it away..." i mumbled to myself, knowing how Raizel care about his style and all. I let out a sigh as i opened the plastic bag to check the clothe's condition.

"Whoa, they're all brand new and smells good, smells kinda expensive..." i murmured as i threw away the plastic bag and cut off the tag. Suddenly, the door of the bathroom opened as Raizel walked out with only a single towel wrapped around his waist. I blushed at the sight of him, water droplets fall from his wet hair trailing down his toned abs, reaching the top of his towel. I look away, embarrassed, as he chuckled at me.

"That blush suits you as well" he whispered as in a second, he was right in front of me, blocking my view as he lifted up my chin with his index finger.

"Aahhh! Wear this and call me when you're done!!" i panicked as i shoved the clothes to him and immediately leave the room, blushing madly.

After a while, Raizel opened the door as he let me inside. I hummed in satisfaction at the clothes he's wearing. "Black suits you" i praised as i grabbed a hair dryer and a new towel. I told him to sit down at the floor, his back facing the bed as i will sit down on the bed.

"Come here Raizel. I will dry your hair or else you'll catch a cold when sleeping with a wet hair" i said with a bright smile as he simply walked towards me, leaning down to kiss my forehead, whispering a soft thank you before sitting down in front of me.

I blushed at his sudden sweet gesture but continue to dry his hair as i start to put some hair vitamins as well. After making sure his hair is completely dry, i stood up and start to put away the hair dryer and the wet towel.

"Now Raizel, do you need help with anything else? Perhaps you're hungry? Or do you want me to make you tea? Or maybe just water? Whatever is it just tell me." I asked as i turned to him. He gave me a small smile as he walked to me and hugged me tightly.

"Y/N, i know you're worried about me but i'm fine. I promise I wouldn't danger myself anymore." He simply said as he kissed my forehead, then trailing down butterfly kisses down as he locked our lips together in a passionate yet slow kiss.

"Alright but next time if this happens again, i will even bath and dress you myself" I blushed as i mumbled into his chest.

He chuckles and he pulled me away a little as we locked eyes.

"Of course, love. I love you, Y/N"

"I love you more, my reckless noblesse"
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See you next time~


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