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"Good morning Baby."


Making your way into the kitchen with Jimin's sweatshirt still covering you you're lead by your boyfriend's sweet voice sitting in a kitchen chair.

"Morning Chimchim..."


You tenderly push your fingers through his hair before making your way to the coffee pot and pouring you a cup, a small whine of protest sounding through the quiet room.

"Is Jungkook still asleep?"

"Yeah...I want to let him sleep in a little bit...it's his first day of therapy so he doesn't have to do school work..."

Your heart suddenly drops as you make your way over to the table and set your coffee down, Jimin's touch luring you to sit on his lap and press little kisses by his ear.

"Are you worried about him?"

"Yeah...I had therapy after my dad passed and I know it probably did me some good but also...it brought up a lot of stuff and I cried a lot...I just hope it doesn't do anything to his personality..."

"Mmm...are you sure you don't want to go with them?"

"No...I want Jungkook to feel a bit of independence with this..he knows when he gets home we'll be here waiting for him...I'm going to make his favorite meal for when he gets back."

Jimin lets out a small chuckle and lays his face in your chest while closing his eyes, his hands pressing against the soft skin of your thighs.



"Stop that."

You giggle and try to escape his hold as he wraps his arms around you tightly and litters kisses all over your chest and neck, your protests doing little to fight his hold.

"Jimin! I have to make breakfast!"

"So? You can do that later."

"Park Jimin!"

"Min Y/N."

Looking down into his teddy bear eyes you stop giggling and press a soft kiss on his lips, your hands pressing against his cheeks warmly.

"I love you."

"I love you too baby."

"Now let me go so I can make breakfast."

"One more kiss?"




Walking into Jungkook's room you walk over to his bed and sit down beside him as he gazes up at you with round eyes, his expression tightened with worry.

"Are you sure this is okay?..."

"Kookie if you really don't want to go you don't have to. I just wanted to get this set up in case you want to maybe talk about some things?.."

"I-I do Noona...I know...I know it'll be good! But..I...I'm not crazy..."

"No of course you aren't crazy Kookie!"

Pulling him into a small hug you feel his face nuzzle into your neck and his lips push out in a pout, his arms wrapping around your waist.

"You know...I had therapy too."

"You...you did?..."

"Mhm. After my dad died and my mom went into the hospital I was a little younger than you so I was ordered to go to therapy...I didn't get to choose to go. It helped me though...I got to talk to somebody and they didn't give me medication or anything because I just needed to talk. Look how about this, you go today and if you don't like it then you don't have to go back."

"What...what if I start crying?..."

"Well that's okay, sometimes everyone needs to cry Kookie."

"Noona...you're so strong...I wish I was like you..."

Tenderly pinching his cheek and pressing a soft kiss on it you look deep into his ebony eyes and smile brightly, the corners of his lips twisting into a boyish grin.

"I wish I was more like you Kookie."


"Yes, even in the worst situations you can always smile Kookie, you're always so positive and you're so tender...I wish I could be as open and loving as you."

"But Noona you are!"

You let out a playful squeal when Jungkook tenderly tackles you and hugs you as tightly as he can, both of you rolling around in his pile of blankets.

"Okay Noona, when I come back, do I get snuggles?"

"You can have all the snuggles in the world."

"And banana milk?"

"A whole gallon."

"Movie night with you and Hyung?"

"Any movie you wanna watch."


"What would a movie night be without blankies?"

Suddenly Jungkook springs up and excitedly shuffles his feet on the carpet with a wide grin, his hands throwing open his coat closet.

"Okay! Then I'll go so we can have our movie night as soon as possible!"

I've never met anyone as sweet as Jungkook...he's so tender....

"Never lose your smile Kookie."

"Okay Noona! I'll keep smiling! I promise!"

"Ah, I think Hobi's here."

Jungkook holds your hand the entire time you both make it down the staircase where Hobi stands in the living room with Jimin, his bright sunshine smile greeting you both.

"Ready kiddo?"

"I'm ready Hobi Hyungie!"

You carefully give him a quick peck on his cheek and watch Jimin and Jungkook give eachother hugs, Jungkook pressing a kiss on his brothers forehead.

"I love you Hyungie."

"I love you too Jungkook, Be safe."

"I will!"

When the two of them make their way out the door you lean against the doorframe and watch them get in the car, your body suddenly filling with panic and anxiety.

"Are you okay Baby?"

Jimin's arms carefully make their way around your waist and his chin rest on shoulder as you nod and lay your head against his while watching the car disappear up the hill.

"Yeah...I...I'm just worried about him...Jungkook is so happy..I don't want this to change him in any way..."

"Don't worry babygirl, we'll be here when he gets back and like you said, if he doesn't like it then he doesn't have to go...but if it'll help him...deal with all this..."

"You're right..."

"Are you feeling sad today?"

"Maybe a little bit...my mom would've known what to say about all of this..."

"Want to sit on the porch swing with our coffee until they get back?"

"You always know how to make me feel better ChimChim."

(A/N): UwU

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