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"Jimin, do you like lattes?"

You look over at Jimin standing beside you as he moves his head down, his fingers lightly grasped between your own.

"I've never had a latte before."

"Really? I think they're good when it's cold outside."

"Since it's cold, I'll take your word for it and have one too."

"Okay, two lattes please."

The coffee shop worker nods and goes to the coffee station as you lead Jimin to one of the tables, your hands tugging his chair out for him.

"Wow..who knew in this new world women pull out the chairs for men."

You look over at the elderly woman and hiss your words at her, rage immediately boiling in your chest.

"He's blind you old bat you try sitting down without your dumbass glasses and we'll see how that goes."

Woth your harsh words the woman immediately shuts up and turns away with a red face, Jimin's shoulders lightly dropping with shame.

"I'm sorry Y/N...this is why I don't go out much...I hope I didn't embarrass you."

"No. Don't be sorry. You deserve to be in this world just as much as anyone else and your place is just as precious."

Jimin simply nods and keeps looking down with his cheeks red as a fire truck, your heart sinking to your stomach at the sight.

"Plus...you...you could never embarass me...I don't get embarrassed easily.."

Poor Jimin...

I never thought about what it must be like to be blind...never feeling like a regular person....

"Your lattes."

You give the waiter a soft bow when they bring you your coffees, Jimin's fingers tenderly linking around the dainty white glass.

"These are really good, I love the cream on the top."

You softly giggle when you look up and see a line of cream across Jimin's upper lip, his smile warm and boyish as he sits across from you.


"Hold on."

With another giggle you grab the napkin on the table and press it softly on his lip, his cheeks burning pink again.

"You had cream on your lip, it happens to everyone don't worry."

He gives you a tender nod and grabs your hand again, your heart immediately beginning to speed up when you look up at him.

"Thank you Y/N."

"Y-You're welcome...Jimin.."

What even..

My chest hurts again...

What is this feeling?

Just as you're about to grab your books out of your backpack, a certain bubbly giggle making your entire spine freeze in fright.

No way.

No way.

Not here.


Very silently you look over your shoulder and see a group of girls standing at the coffee counter talking to the worker, fright causing you to almost spill your coffee when you suddenly stand up.

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