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Jungkook gazes at the man in front of him with red hot cheeks, his heart slamming in his chest to the point it aches.


Hobi leans forward and clasps his hands together while resting it on his chin, his dark brown eyes full of a warm glittering gaze.

"You intrigue me."



"I..I do?.."

"Mhm. Ever since I saw you walking out of school that day."

Hobi leans forward and strokes a piece of Jungkook's new hair, the action causing Jungkook to let out a breathy sigh.

"I like your new hair by the way. It suits you well."

"Th-Thank y-you H-Hyung..."

How does he know....

I like...

"You um...are you..."

"Flirting? Sorry, I can be pretty straightforward sometimes. I hope I didn't make you feel awkward."

"N-No Hyung! I just...I...I didn't know...I thought you liked girls like N-Noona..."

"Like I said before, I love Y/N like a little sister, she's headstrong and I admire that, but that isn't exactly what I look for in a partner."

Jungkook's chest blooms with warmth and excitement as he shyly smiles, his fingers pushing his baby hairs behind his ear.


Jungkook watches Hobi stand up and grab the chicken delivered to the table to go as he leans down in front of Jungkook, his eyes gazing up at him with a tender fondness.

"You don't have to answer me now, just consider it okay?"


"Also...Y/N told me you like music?"

Oh dear...

"Um...I...I just...I w-write some songs..."

"You should let me see some of them sometime, I know a few friends in the music business if your voice is as good as Y/N says."


She told him about my songs...


Jungkook nods shyly and gives Hobi a bright smile before standing up, his ribs sending shockwaves of pain through his entire body.


"Hey are you alright?"

"N-No...my medicine...Noona...she gives it.."

"Okay here..I'll help you, let's get you home to your medicine."

Jungkook face flushes with more heat when Hobi allows him to use his body for support as both of them begin walking out of the restaurant, his head resting on the older male's shoulder.

My heart isn't helping my ribs...

I need Noona...


A boy has a crush on me...

Someone does think I'm pretty after all...


"Kookie! Where have you been!"

The second the two boys enter the house Jungkook watches his Noona run across the plush carpeted floor and hold his face in her hands, her very touch practically melting him into her embrace.

Through My Eyes |PJM Fanfiction|Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu