Chapter 19 - Smithifyed

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"How come she doesn't look like you?" 

After those words had left Jinx's mouth the room had gone totally silent. Smith lifted his left eye brow. "Smarter than you look.." Apoc stayed quiet. He didn't understand what was going on. "You didn't anwser my question." Jinx said glaring at Smith. "It probably has something to do with the fact that she has been freed." Trinity had lowered her gun. Jinx held Neo by his waist. "When did u take her over?" "You don't know? I did it back at the secret meeting of yours. When i chased u two down." (Call back to Chapter 10) Jinx thought about her next move very carefully.

Jinx shot at Smith and tried to kick Trinity's gun from her hand. Apoc quickly got up and kicked Trinity. After a while of fighting, he was able to knock her out. Jinx kept shooting at the Smith that was standing in the middle of the room. Smith shot at Jinx a couple times but she was able to dodge them swiftly. 

Then one of Jinx's bullets landed on Smith. "You must get Neo out of here! I'll try to hold them off for as long as i can!" Apoc said shooting at the incoming Smiths. Switch rushed to Apoc's side. Morpheus was still outside. "Get him in the car! We got this." Switch said taking a quick look at Jinx and then Apoc. She then turned to face the Smiths.

Jinx used all of her brain cells to think about the time she had lifted Neo. (Another call back, but now to Chapter 5) Back then she had stayed still and she had dropped him almoust immediatly but she had no other option. Jinx closed her eyes, took a deep breath and she lifted the unconscious Neo. She started running, carrying Neo on her arms, bridal style. She heard Smiths trying to get to her, but Switch and Apoc had her back. She kept holding on the thought. She was already outside almost at the car. When she heard someone cry out in pain. Apoc had been shot. She tried to focus.

Morpheus was next to the car. He was shooting at the incoming Smiths aswell. Jinx pushed Neo in the car. Then she twirled around to face the Smiths. She pulled two pistols from her gun belt and loaded them. Switch was helping Apoc get in the car. Jinx rushed to them. She started shooting at the approaching Smiths. Switch and Apoc were in the car. Jinx started running back to the car. But one of the Smiths was right behind her and forced her down on the ground. She tried to kick him but was unable. She took the knife from her pocket and stanbbed him with it before he was able to try to Smithify her. Then she rushed to the car. 

"Go, GO!" Jinx yelled to Morpheus as she sat down on the front seat and closed the door. He started driving. "What is our next move? We can't get Neo out. He is still unconscious." "We will have to return to the old hotel." Morpheus said focusing on the road. "Jinx? Can you hand me the band-aids from the glove compartment?" "Oh sure." Jinx took the band-aids and handed them to Switch. 

The car stopped infront of the old hotel. Switch helped Apoc inside. Jinx opened the car door and started to get Neo out from the car. "Do you need help with that?" "Well i can't open the door carrying him but rather than that i think im good." Jinx picked up Neo, once again bridal style. Focusing on that certain memory. 

Morpheus and Jinx arrived at the main room. Jinx set Neo on that same couch she had woke up on when she had first met the crew (Last call back, Chapter 2) then they would just have to wait, that Neo woke up. 

"So Trinity isn't coming back?" Switch asked. "She got Smithifyed.." Jinx said. "She got Smithifyed back at that meeting.." "So she has been a Smith ever since that meeting?" Jinx nodded. 

It had been almoust an hour since they had arrived at the old hotel. "We don't have much time anymore. If he doesn't wake up soon we will have to wake him up." Morpheus informed looking at Neo. Jinx was sitting on an armchair right next to the couch. 

Neo finally started blinking. He sat up on the couch. "Neo!" It was Jinx. She hugged Neo from behind. "What happened? How am i here?" He asked looking at Morpheus that had got up from his armchair. "We came to rescue you." Neo's vision was still blurry. "We need to leave from the matrix immediatly." Morpheus said dialing a number on his phone. "Tank can u get us out from here?" 

Soon a phone started to ring. It was on the side table. Neo anwsered the phone first, then Apoc, Switch, Morpheus and finally it was Jinx's turn. She gently picked up the phone and anwsered it. She woke up in the real world. 

After Jinx and the others had discussed what had happened to Trinity and how the mission had went, Neo and Jinx had walked to their shared bedroom together. (Share bedroom, cause they are at Zion. And Jinx still doesn't have a bedroom of her own.) Neo was sleeping peacefully. After Jinx had had the talk with the oracle, her feelings for Neo had been confirmed. The hard part would be confessing to him. And she had no idea how to. She would just have to figure it out in the future.

(Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter! I had lot of fun with writing this chapter. The start went kinda fast, but i think it was still a good chapter. Thank you all for the positive comments and votes! I appreciate them. Till next time, this is your friendly writer girl singing "Im never gonna dance again, quilty feet have got no rhythm~")

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