Chapter 13 - Roxy

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Jinx knocked on the door gently. She hoped that Roxy would be home. After a moment of waiting for an anwser, Jinx decided to knock again harder. "Maybe she isn't home?" Neo shrugged as he took of his sunglasses and stuffed them in his pocket. Soon enough there was movement behind the door. 

The door opened revealing Roxy standing behind it. "B..Bonnie?" Her eyes were filling with tears of happiness. Jinx had missed Roxy even more than she had realised. "Yes. Roxy it is me." "I thought you were dead! Or just left without telling me." Roxy hugged Jinx tightly. Jinx hugged back. She broke the hug to speak. "I would never! And you know that." Roxy stared into her eyes with a smile, she then payed attention to Neo. "Your boy friend i assume?" She asked as she looked at him with a judgy look. Jinx turned a bright shade of red. "Uhh.. No. We aren't dating.." She muttered on an embarrassed tone. "Well, i am Roxy. And you are?" "He is N.." "Thomas Anderson. Nice to meet you Roxy." 

Jinx had never heard his name before. Roxy's expressio had relaxed. "Well it's nice to meet you Thomas. You can both come in." She said as she stepped aside to let them in. The house was small from the inside and the downstairs had the kitchen, dining room and living room all stuffed in it. Upstairs had bathroom and Roxy's bedroom. "I was just watching some tv. I came from work fifteen minutes ago." Jinx nodded. "I need to go use the bathroom. Do as you two please." Roxy said as she disappeared up the stairs. Jinx turned to look at Neo. "Can we free her from the matrix?"

After those words the room filled with silence. Neo looked down. "If we leave her here the agents will probably track her down. Smith could track her down and kill her. I couldn't live with myself." "If you really are suggesting freeing her, then we would need to talk with the others first.." "We can't just leave her here." There was a sudden knock on the door. "Uhh.. Roxy?" "Ya?" "Were you waiting for someone? For like a guest or something." "No. I wasn't expecting anyone today." Roxy said as she walked down the stairs. 

There was another knock on the door. It was now louder. "Who could it be?" Roxy mumbled to herself. Jinx looked at Neo with a worried look. Roxy was already walking to open the door, but then Neo grabbed her arm. She got startled by that. She looked at him confused. "I will check who it is." Neo said as he stared into her eyes with a trust worthy look. Roxy looked at him confused. "If you say so." Neo let go of her arm and walked to the door. Roxy walked next to Jinx. "His style is cool tho." Jinx didn't excpect those words at this exact moment. She decided to just nod. Neo peeked threw the window. "Crap.." "What is it?" Jinx asked as she looked at him. "It's Smith.." "Who?" 

There was another loud bang on the door. "I will explane everything later." Jinx said looking at Roxy. She turned to look back at Neo. "What do we do? Do we go or?" "Get Roxy to safety. I will hold him off for as long as possible." "How many are there?" "I'd say about twenty right niw but more must be on their way. Here." Neo came closer and handed Jinx a pistol. Roxy got startled by that. "WH..." Jinx quickly covered her mouth. "Go before he breaks the door down." Neo said on his usual deep voice before turning to face the door. Jinx nodded. 

Jinx remembered that there was a backdoor in the kitchen. She started running and pulling Roxy with her to the door. Just when they got in the kitchen Jinx heard the main door break down. "Mr. Anderson. I didn't excpect encountering you here.." It was Smith. His smug voice echoed all the way into the kitchen. Jinx opened the backdoor quietly and sneaked threw it with Roxy. When Jinx closed the door behind them, she released Roxy's mouth from under her palm.

Soon Jinx heard movement behind the trash can. Roxy froze and tried to hide behind Jinx. "Frick." Jinx cursed under her breath. It was one of the Smiths. He noticed the two and was about to call for the other Smiths, but Jinx shot him in the head. Roxy was scared. She was about to scream, but Jinx once again covered her mouth. "We need to run before more of those guys come over here. They probably heard the gun shot." Jinx knew that Neo had left the keys in the car so she decided that they would make a run for it.

They started running for the car. They turned around the corner and faced the car. Luckly there were no Smiths around the car. Jinx held Roxy's hand tightly and she once again released her mouth. "Run. Get on the back seat." Jinx whispered as she let go of her hand. They both started running. Jinx would need to drive. She got next to the car. Roxy had already got on the back seat. 

Jinx opened the door. She then sat on the drivers seat, slammed the door shut and clicked her seat belt on. Roxy did the same. Some of the Smiths were still outside, they heard the loud noices. They started shooting at the car. Jinx quickly started driving away as Roxy kept asking her to go faster on the back seat. 

They were now far from Roxy's house. Jinx took her phone from her pocket. She quickly dialed in a number. "Tank, we are screwed." "I can see that. Drive to the old hotel, where you first met the crew. I'll inform them of what happened. They will arrive at the hotel." "Ok. Thank you, Tank." She closed her phone and focused on the road. She had a driver's license, but she wasn't the best driver.

"I believe you want an explanation for all this." Jinx said as she took a quick look at Roxy threw the mirror. Roxy was shaking. After what Jinx had said she had quickly nodded. She was so terrified of the whole thing that she wasn't able to speak. "I promise ill explain everything. But for now i need to focuse on getting us safe. I promise you will get anwsers." Jinx let out a small sigh. She felt so awfull for what she had done. She had dragged Roxy into this mess. For her own selfish need to see her.

(Quick authors note. The picture above is Roxy. That is atleast how i imagine her. But ya i hope you guys enjoyed :D)

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