Chapter 9 - New name

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After Bonnie had laid in her bed for couple of hours just thinking about everything in general, she decided to get up and head to the main deck. As she got up one thought popped up. When would she get a cool name? Everyone had one. And no one had mentioned anything about Bonnie getting one.

As she arrived to the main deck she noticed that the usually fully surrounded table was empty. And almost everyone had moved to the cafeteria instead. She walked in. "Hey guys. I have a question." Everyone turned to look at Bonnie. "What's up?" Tank asked flashing his usual smile. "When will i get a cool nickname or a code name or what ever i am supposed to call it?" Right away Mouse opened his mouth. He had not talked with her and she had assumed he was shy or just didn't like talking. "I could help you with that." He said excited as A huge smile started to from on his face. "Oh jesus.." Switch said facepalming. "Here we go again." Apoc said looking at Mouse.

Bonnie and Mouse sat down onto the chairs around the metallic table that was on the main deck. It was Bonnie's second favorite spot. Right after her own room. Mouse smiled at Bonnie and then asked. "Oh so have you thought of any names yourself?" After a little while of thinking Bonnie answered truthfully. "No.. I actually haven't." Mouse got even more excited by that. "Ok, ok so let's see. Hmm. I'll suggest some names and you tell your honest opinion ok?" Mouse said with a serious yet excited voice. Bonnie nodded before they started going down the suggestions.

They had been going threw names for an hour. "Trixy?" Mouse asked. "Nope. It just doesn't sound like the name for me." Mouse stayed silent for a moment and then came up with one. "How about Jinx?" Bonnie's brain exploded. She really liked that name. It was cool, and badass, even if it meant bad luck. "Yes! I love it!" Bonnie gasped in excitement. Mouse smiled widely. It was time to spread it around.  

"So. Jinx, huh? Not bad." Neo said and gave Bonnie a small smile. "I like it. It sounds cool." Switch commented. "It's settled then. You shall be known as Jinx from here on out." Morpheus announced formally. Jinx smiled to herself and thought. "Yes! They like my new name!" She smiled at everyone. Mouse spoke once again. "Oh, also have you ran threw the agent training program?" Jinx nodded. Morpheus started to head out. "Not this again." Switch cried out settling her forehead on her hands. "Well i have designed that program." He said. His voice was full of pride. Bonnie gave him a tiny smile. "I honestly think it was a good program. I couldn't tell the difference."

Morpheus broke the conversations from outside the cafeteria. "I almost forgot to inform. We need to head to Zion." "We need to head where?" Jinx asked interested. "Zion is beautiful." Mouse said snapping from daydreaming for just a moment. Jinx had never seen Zion or even heard about it. "It's the last existing city on earth." Trinity explained looking at Jinx. "It's close to the earth's core, and is that for warm." Neo continued Trinity's sentence looking at Jinx as well. "Why are we going there?" Jinx asked turning to look at Morpheus. "We are low on fuel and food." Morpheus informed. "Well, we all need to prepare ourselves. We will be meeting the other captains and their crews, in the matrix before getting to Zion." Then Morpheus turned around and disappeared to the control room. "How long will the trip to Zion take?" Jinx asked. "I'd say couple of hours. We aren't too far right now.." Tank said before standing  up to go prepare the machines so the crew could enter the matrix.

Morpheus, Trinity, Neo, Jinx, Switch and Apoc had all readied themselves and Morpheus had parked the ship. The ship was in a small cave where it was safe from sentinels. After they got blugged into the matrix they headed for the black car. They started to drive off. They drove for some time, but soon arrived to their destination. Everyone got out of the car and started to head for the doors of a tall building. The crew got in and the place was full of people. Jinx assumed they were the captains and their crews. They were already talking about something. Morpheus started chatting with them.

Jinx didn't focus on that. She looked at Neo and had one of those conversations all by herself. "Gosh he is so good looking with those glasses. Wait is something wrong with him? Well why don't you find out by asking genius.." "Neo?" She asked on a quiet tone. He wasn't focusing either. Something was off. "I need to head upstairs. Stay here and stay safe. We might need to end the meeting little earlier." Neo whispered. His voice was serious. She just stood still with a worried look and stared as he disappeared up the stairs.

Neo walked up the stairs. He had this odd feeling, that something would go down. "What are you doing here?" One of the men asked. They were guarding the door. Neo was about to answer, but then there was a loud bang to the door. "What the.." The other man got startled by the sudden bang. The person on the other side kept banging the door. Someone was trying to break the door down. "They are agents. Go warn the others!" Neo commanded readying himself. The two men started to rush down the stairs to go warn others. He slowly inhaled and then exhaled closing his eyes for a moment then opening them and focusing on the door. 

(This is just the fight scene from the Matrix reloaded. The vid is below. Just ignore the end. I will end this chapter here. Hope you guys enjoyed! Sorry i haven't uploaded for a while. School started and i had a lot going on so i decided to have a small break. I appreciate comments and votes. And i thank everyone who has done either or both. :D)

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