💖chapter thirty nine💖

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The return of Raymond brought more inspiration to me. The fact that Kim adjusted to a father figure so quick amazed me. Sometimes I feel jealous seeing both of them together playing and giggling.

At least he always come over to look after Kim when I'm in school or I will take Kim to his house to stay for a while. The most surprising part is he didn't inform his parents he was back.

Most Saturdays, we spent it together along side with troy and amber and it gave Ray more chance to made it up to me. Gradually, I began to trust him again. He asked me out again assuring me he will never disappear on me and I happily accepted. You won't blame me, I love him. And we are a year now.

Final year wasn't easy at all. With projects and assignments and all the stressful stuffs, I was really thankful to Raymond. Even Amber couldnt help in this case because we were both in final year.

Today's my convocation 🎓 and I'm so happy. Dad said he has a surprise for me and I'm yet to see it. Raymond, on the other hand, was planning something behind me. As much as I try to find out what he was planning, I never got the chance to.

"For medicine department, the best students are", the speaker announced. "David Darlington, Bisola kayode, Amber Churchill and last but not the least Monica Daniels", he spoke into the mic and we all stood up from our various preserved seats and walked to the stage.

We were given our awards and took some pictures with the school director and all important people of the university. Aside this award, I have also received some awards for one course subject to another. Right now, I have seven awards with me while Amber, five. We were about to walk to our seats when the speaker announced again.

"Overall best student goes to Ms. Monica Daniels". The cheers from the audience become louder as I saw my mom stand and screamed, "that's my daughter... That's my baby girl". Amber hugged me as well as the other two before I went back up to the stage.

My parents were invited to the stage too. Raymond and Kim followed. We stood and pictures were taken. I also took a personal picture with the director.

It took hours before we all left the hall. Students and families taking pictures left and right. Amber camping running to me. "Babes, I'm so proud of you", she screamed and embraced me real tight.

"We both did it", I sighed, returning the hug. Both our families came and met us. "Girls, we are proud of you both", Amber's parents said, spreading their arms for a hug.

My mom and dad joined in the group hug. "Mommy", Kim grabbed my left leg immediately we pulled out from the hug. "Awwwwn, my sugar pie", I smiled, carrying her to my chest level. "See", she pointed behind me and I turned around.

I gasped, "Raymond".

He was on one of his knees as he held out a red velvet ring box and ring in it. "Raym... ", I opened my mouth to speak but he stopped me, "Babe, I know we have been through alot in the past years. I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life without you by my side. I want to wake up beside you every day, love you, Kim and more kids to come with all I have and everything in me".

Clearing his throat he asked, "Will you marry me Monica?"

I was surprised. And excited at the same time. Yes, I have always wished for this but I never knew it was going to be this soon. "Just say yes and let the poor guy stand up joor", Amber voiced out grinning like she was the one in my position.

I inhaled the fresh air that passed brushed me, "Yes Ray. Yes, I will. I love you so much", I sighed and he slipped the ring into my middle finger. I raised him up and hugged him. "I love you babe", he whispered into my ear. Everybody clapped as well as my mates who were passing by and other people.

After we pulled out from the hug, I raised my hand showing my gorgeous diamond ring. It was a two stoned diamond ring. Inside the ring had my name inscribed in it. Monica.

"Woooooow. Your ring is lovely babes", Amber sighed, admiring my finger while everyone congratulated us. "Dude, I'm sure that ring cost you alot of thousands if not millions", I heard troy tease Ray.

"I actually got it when I was in New York but had it delivered yesterday. Monica is worth everything and I will go to the moon and back for her. She's my priceless jewel", he replied him, changing his position to stare at me. Unfortunately for me, our eyes met.

He came to me and kissed me on the lips. "Son", my dad called out to him in a teasing tone. "Oooh sorry sir", he said and we all laughed.

We took more pictures before leaving the school. We brought four cars. Myself, Kim and Raymond to a car. My parents and Amber's parents to their cars while troy and Amber rolled in Troy's car.

Lest I forget, Troy finished school the same year troy finished. He's now an accountant working in NNPC company. He also bought a house in lekki phase 2 but a different estate from Ray's. To be honest, I really wish he can propose to Amber so we'll get married at the same time.

We went to a fancy restaurant to continue our celebration. Dad had already booked four tables. Let's say he is a billionaire or even more. Ever since my stepmother left him, things began to work for him again.

He's fvcking rich but he never shows it or rub it into peoples' faces. He also donates to the less privileged and  orphanage homes. I'm proud of my father, so damn fvcking proud. My mom is one lucky woman you know.

We merried, ate and drank before heading to our houses. Raymond followed us home while Amber went over to Troy's. He has been with myself and Kim but in the guest room. I decided not to do anything with him until we get married and I think it's approaching soon.

Driving through the gate, I got sight of a brand new black and tinted Benz car with my name as the plate number. I got down and went to check out the car. It's indeed a very cute car. On the body of it was a written note, "congrats baby girl. I'm proud of you. Courtesy:mom and dad"

I ran to the car, brought out my phone and dialed dad's number.

"Omg, thanks daddy. The car is beautiful", I cried.

"Anything for my princess. Hope you like it?", he asked and I knew he was grinning where he was. "Of course I do. I love it dad", I sighed smiling.

"Okay baby girl".

"My regards to mom too. I love you both", I added.

"Okay baby. She's already sleeping. I guess she's too tired", he laughed. "Will inform her when she's up".

"Okay dad. Love you, bye".

After we spoke on the phone, I hanged up. Now, I have two cars and both from my beloved father and mother. Aren't I a lucky child?

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