💖chapter twenty nine💖

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"Monica, open this door please", mom and Amber kept banging on the door, pleading.

I said nothing nor did nothing. This time, all I want is to be comforted by my bed. I refuse to go down for dinner even after all the pleading from mom and Amber considering my little jelly bean.

I looked at the wall clock and it says 11:37pm. "My jelly bean needs something to eat, even though I don't want to, I can't punish my jelly bean for something it knows nothing about", I said to myself. "Poor jelly bean, your father doesn't know you exist yet", I said, rubbing my tummy.

I walked out of my room sluggishly. The kitchen looked empty, infact it was empty. I opened the two pots on the burner but the food I saw irritated me. Rice and fish stew. The smell of the fish almost made me throw up. I quickly closed the pot and decide to check the fridge.

Damn it! I'm craving for ice cream. I looked at the fridge but found only fruits. Shit! Even though I want to have fruits, never paw-paw.

I guess my jelly bean will just have to manage the cookies I will eat because I really don't have strength to cook or make anything. Before I headed upstairs, I took along a loaf of bread and nutella with me.

"We have alot to eat honey", I whispered to my tummy.

I locked my door quietly, went over to my fridge, brought out the cookies and the yogurt from the fridge. I arranged all the food in front of me, made myself comfortable and started devouring everything. In no time, I was done. Yummy!

Before I started devouring, I checked the time, 11:53 and now, it's saying 12:25. I guess I'm a slow eater.

I took out my phone, checking my chats and messages but got none from Raymond. I badly wanted to fail his number but I didn't. I didn't want to look desperate, moreover, he was right there when I was sent out like a commoner and he did nothing. He just stood there staring like a lost fellow.

Next day...

First thing I recognize when I woke up was the park of hollandia which was laying on my bed side table.

I got up feeling a bit sick. I stared at the wall clock, 7:05am. I remember vividly Raymond's dad saying they leaving today and I really need to talk to him before he leaves.

I rushed to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and cleaned up. Put on a lemon dress and a plain white sandals. Combed my hair and packed it in a high pony tail. Applied lip gloss, carried my purse and dashed out.

"Where to baby?", mom asked me, Amber giving me a sharp stare.

"To Raymond's. I need to tell him before he leaves", I sighed.

"Oh my God. Ray's traveling and he didn't tell anyone", Amber screamed.

"Yeah he is and his dad is forcing it on him", I added. "I really need to go now mom. Promise, I'm super fine".

"Be safe darling", mom smiled, blowing me a kiss. "My regards to him and tell him to reach me online", Amber winked.

"I will, bye hommies", I screamed, banging the door behind me.

I really don't know why I'm so in the mood today. Maybe it's part of this pregnancy hormones. I called a cab man and in no time, we were at Ray's gate. Thabks to the light traffic today.

It was 8:30 already. I payed the cab man and walked to the gate. "Good morning", I smiled at the security guard.

"Hello ma'am", he responded.

"I'm here to see Raymond", I sighed resting at the table, I guess I'm feeling light headed. "Am sorry ma'am but that's not possible", he said, feeling sorry for me.

"But why?", my mood changed, trust me, I was holding myself from displaying some madness. I was about to raise my voice when he added, "No one is around, only the workers miss, they left early this morning".

"They what?", my heart broke, I didn't know when I almost landed on the floor, if not for the other guard, I guess I would have been rushed to the hospital.

I sat down there, wiping like a child. When I thought I was stable, I decided to go home. I ordered Uber and soon, the Uber guy arrived.

"This number isn't reachable, please try again later", the service lady kept on saying each time I tried Ray's line.

"Madam, is everything alright", the Uber guy asked. "I'm fine, just take me home please".

"How did the meeting go baby?", mom asked me. I didn't want anyone to know yet so I just pretended. "He wasn't at home, guess he went for an errand for his mom or something".

I didn't even noticed my father's presence. "My little princess", he called.

The stare I gave my mom, she had to retaliate, "I told him nothing darling".

"Hello, I'm I meant to know something", he interrupted.

"No dad",

"No micheal",

We both chorused.

"Alright then. I actually came over to inform you both that I would be traveling on Monday", he said, looking at mom, "Do you want to tag along, Daine".

"No, maybe next time. So how long will you be gone?", mom asked him.

"It's a business trip and I can be long for over 10months, he sighed.

"Perfect", I mumbled under my breath.

"Did you say something darling?", mom asked.

"No. Not at all", I smiled back. "Will be upstairs, wanna rest", I sighed.

"Won't you have any food to eat?", mom asked.

"Later mommy. Just want to sleep now", I sighed walking upstairs, actually, I wanted to cry out my eyeballs.

"Amber went home but she promised to be back soon. She will bring you your meal", she screamed.

"Ok mommy", I shouted.



"Babes, open up",

"Come in, the door is opened", I managed to say. I used the bedsheet to wipe my tears.

"Were you crying?", she asked, dropping the tray of food on the table.

"Nope, am totally fine", I assured her rubbing my left eye, and there, my teary eyes decided to embarrass me. A tear dropped.

"Hey, talk to me. What happened there?",

"He left already. He's gone. Raymond left me and my little jelly bean", I cried out rubbing my tummy..

"Sweetheart, am here okay. You have no worries. Shhhhh, be calm", she tried to console me. I wiped my tears and sat up right.

I explained what happened yesterday to her and how I was sent out of the house while devouring the yam and egg sauce on the plate


The Billionaire's daughter ✔ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt