💖chapter twenty five💖

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"Your dad is really cool but not as cool as my dad. You know, maybe we all should go for a family hangout. You, me, our mommy's and daddy's with my brother", she said as we licked our ice-cream.

I sighed, "Enough of this family hangout. Let's just chill until mom and dad have cooled off".

"Okay, till then. So how's Raymond doing?", she asked

"I just left him yesterday so he should be fine. What about you, how's Troy?", I threw the question back.

"He's fine. We spoke last night when you were fast asleep", she said.

"And you couldn't even wake me up. That's not fair, you know it has been a week since we last saw or spoke. We hardly chat only on that crazy group chat".

"Sorry babes, but you were sleeping like a little princess and I didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep. Okay, let me just call him", she said bringing out her phone from her bag.

"Drop your phone madam. It's better we go visit him or something", I said with my mouth full of ice-cream.

"Okay if you say so".

"Girls, it's late. Let's go get something to eat", dad called us. We were walking, gisting and laughing when a guy about some years older than us walked up to me.

"Hello ladies. Am Peter Thomas, and you are", he stretched out his hand towards me smiling.

"Monica. Monica Daniels", I received his hand.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful lady like you. So she's your twin right?", he asked and we both chuckled. "Did I say something funny?", he asked looking confused but this time, Amber replied.

"Sorry dude but no, we aren't twins. We are bff(best friends forever)", she said emphasizing on the bff.

"Cool, but you both look so much alike. Can I have your number, angel", he smirked.

"Sorry dude, she's fully taken and I am as well", Amber said as polite as she could, dragging me with her. "Bye", I managed to wave to him.

We got into the car and immediately he started the engine. "So did you both enjoy your day", he asked with smile all over him face.

"Of course sir. Thank you for today", Amber quickly answered.

"What about you dear?", he asked, making a u-turn heading to a restaurant. "I enjoy myself dad. Thanks daddy", I smiled giving him a peck on his cheek.

The way he smile made me happy. He kept on smiling till we got to the eatery. We were ushered in to a table at the far end of the right side of the eatery.

One of the waitresses walked up to us with three menu, handing one to each of us. "Good evening sir, please make your orders", she said politely.

"I'm not really hungry, so I think I will have two pieces of chicken and salad", I said pointing at the page with the items.

"Did you say you are not hungry honey", dad chuckled.

"I said not really dad. Normally I would have ordered for something with more weight", I said making all of them laugh including the waitress.

"Even though she eats alot, she won't even add any weight", Amber said still laughing. "I will have exactly what she's having", she said to the waitress.

"Okay, I think semo and egusi soup will do", dad said handing over the menu to her.

In no time, the food was served as well as the drinks. Dad had his favourite wine while Amber and I on the other hand shared a pack of strawberry hollandia. "So, tell me, how and when did you both become friends", dad asked in the middle of our meal.

"We actually met during our primary school days", Amber started. "She was the best in all subjects except PHE. So one day, I walked up to her to explain mathematics and quantitative to me, after that day, we found out we were actually neighbors".

"So, you mean to say you didn't start living in the family house", he asked me.

"Yes daddy, we moved there after my junior year".

"Ooh. Cool", he said. "Go on",

I took over from Amber. "So after we moved out, Amber here begged her mom and dad to move to a place closer to ours. She also had to change school because we promised eachother never to leave our sides", I chuckled.

"It's not funny Monica", she hissed.

"What? I'm just laughing",

"Girls", dad called out, "Finish up your meal. I guess your mom will be worried sick about you both".

"Am not touching my food unless Monica apologizes", she told dad.

"Monica, please apologize", he said looking at me. "But I did nothing wrong", I sighed.

"You laughed at my childhood memories", she voiced out. "But it's our childhood memories too so I'm innocent of the crime leveled on me", I winked.

"Monica!", dad called.

"Okay, fine. Sorry baby Amber", I said trying not to laugh.

"Better", she said rolling her eyes and we all chuckled.

"Excuse me", dad called out to the waitress attending to another customer.

"A minute sir", she politely said. I watched her as she signaled for another waiter to attend to us.

"The bills please", dad said as soon as he got to our table. "#65,865 sir", he said.

"Do you use POS?", dad asked.

"Yes sir, will get it", he said and left to get the pos.

I just sat down, wondering what he does for a living. I was so tempered to ask immediately we got to the car but each time the question came to my mouth, I always bite my tongue.

"Do you have anything to say?", he asked me, I guess he found out about my weird screaming of "ouch" from the tongue biting.

"I was also wondering to", Amber said from behind.

"It's nothing dad. I'm fine".

"Okay, if you say so", he said with his gaze fixed on the steering.

"On the other thought dad, we have told you virtually everything about us, why don't you tell us about yourself like what you do or where you work"

"I have my own business. I actually deal with electronics", he smiled.

"Oooh, just like Raymond's fa... ", she didn't complete it because she knew the effect of it on me.

"Raymond's who?",

"Never mind about that dad", I sighed.

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