A Brief Word At the Beginning

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Thank you so much for wanting to read on to find out what happens to Robert and Georgie!  If you haven't read Stolen Hearts, you may want to read it first.  It's a really good book full of mystery and suspense and this story has lots of spoilers that will completely ruin it.  However, if you choose not to, this one is still a really good book on it's own.  Readers who have started with this book have been able to keep up with the story without any trouble.  :)

If you have read Stolen Hearts, you may be interested to know that this story was about a third of the way completed when I began posting SH on Wattpad.  I had written the story straight through, from Robert waking up to find out he'd been kidnapped to a point beyond the end of SH when I ran out of ideas.  I wasn't sure how successful SH would be but when it became clear that a lot of people were interested in reading it, I realized I would have to finish the story. 

When I reviewed what I'd written so far, it was obvious to me how the story should continue to it's final conclusion.  I hope you like it just as much as Stolen Hearts!  If you do, please let me know with a comment! I really appreciate each one! Also, please consider supporting this story with your votes.  That lets other readers know they'll enjoy this story too.

Warning:  This story deals with surviving traumatic events in a realistic way.  Dark and mature subject matters are discussed.  There is strong language and sex scenes are described in some detail.  If you find this story to be offensive or disturbing, please don't read. 



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