Chapter 16 - Losing Control

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Robert and Darrell were at the club but neither of them were dancing. Darrell had never really cared for it, only going on the dance floor when Betsy was desperate for someone to dance with and forced him. Robert normally loved to dance, but he wasn't in the mood tonight. The two of them had been lucky and scored a small table in the bar, far from the dance floor. It was the quietest spot in the club but they weren't chatting either. They sat in their usual silence, listening to the music and watching people. Or at least that was what Darrell was doing.

The only thing Robert was intent on doing was getting as pissed as he could before the night ended. He'd already had three pints and was thinking about a fourth one when he noticed Bridget, the last girlfriend he'd had before Georgie walking by. When she saw him, she stopped suddenly and did a double take.

"Alright, Robbie?" she said with obvious surprise, walking up to their table.

"Bridget," he said, with a nod.

She looked over at Darrell and said curtly, "Darrell." Darrell crossed his arms over his chest and looked away without saying anything. They'd never got on. Bridget had been the sort of girlfriend who saw his mates as competition in their relationship, and didn't bother trying to hide how she felt.

She started looking around, like she was trying to find someone. Even though he wasn't seeing that well, Robert recognized her usual clubbing outfit of black leggings, a large loose blouse, and the impossibly high heels she used to add inches to her short stature. She'd straightened her dyed blonde hair so it hung limply with no life in it at all and gone heavy on the eye makeup, trying to make her brown eyes look smoky but it just overwhelmed them. She'd looked exactly the same a year ago when they'd been dating. He hadn't cared for the look much then either but he knew enough about girls to keep his mouth shut.

"I'm surprised to see you here, Robbie. You haven't been around much," Bridget said, looking back at him after not spotting whoever she was looking for.

"Been busy," he said. He tried to focus on her face, but it looked like there were two of her.

"Where's your American girlfriend?" He looked away from her, glaring off into space.

"In 'merica! We're finished!" he said angrily. Couldn't people just give it a fucking rest already? How the hell was he supposed to get over her if everyone kept bringing her up every two seconds?

"Oh, Robbie," she moaned, oozing sympathy. "I'm so sorry."

She immediately turned to the nearest table and asked for their empty chair. Much to Darrell's disgust, she pulled the chair over next to Robert's and sat without asking if it was alright if she joined them. She leaned so close to him her breast was pressed against his arm. He knew it was intentional. It was close enough he got a whiff of the cloyingly sweet perfume she always wore.

"I'm glad you're here," she cooed. "I've missed you." He looked at her to see if she was being serious but it didn't work because she was all out of focus from being too close.

"It's true, Robbie. Y'know I still fancy you," she said plaintively. He snorted and looked away.

"You don't' believe me? Ask any of the girls!" she exclaimed loudly, sitting up straighter so she could face him. "When I thought you'd died, I cried for weeks!" He looked at her again, closing one eye this time, hoping it would make her come more into focus but it didn't work.

"For weeks, Robbie!" she added emphatically.

Then she leaned against his arm again, and murmured in his ear, "C'mon, let's not fight about the past." Who was fighting, he wondered, jerking his head away as he felt her hot breath on his ear.

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