Greta and the big bad wolf

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Now that the holidays are over, it's back to work I go, fantastic. I got ready for work and left, grabbing a coffee on my way to the office. I need caffeine to deal with my bitch boss.

I walked into the building and went to my office, opening my emails of different fashion designs. I wanted to create a unique style, and if I came up with one, then I get a promotion.

"Greta!" My boss yelled.

I inward groaned as I laid my head on my desk and started banging my head against my desktop. After five minutes and a possible concussion, I got up to see what the wicked bitch of the moth wanted.

I walked into Chad's office as he was sitting with his ass on the edge of his desk. Can you spell douche?

"Greta, the company is having a week-long retreat, and you're attending," Chad informed me.

"Why?" I asked with a disgusted look.

Chad stood up and walked towards me. He backed me up to the wall and cornered me.

"I figure it will give us time to spend together," Chad smirked. I gave him a disgusted look. "Now, be a good girl and fetch me a cup of coffee."

I turned to walk away, and Chad smacked me on the ass. Can you spell sexual harassment, boys and girls?

I can't stand Chad. The dude is younger than my boss and me. He hits on me every chance he gets, and nothing did about it. It doesn't help that his mom owns the company.

"Good morning, everyone," Clara greeted everyone.

Clara Jenkins is the owner of Fashion Unlimited and Chad's mom. She is also the most excellent person you will meet, unlike her douche son.

"Good morning, Greta," Clara greeted me, getting a cup of coffee.

"Morning, Clara," I replied.

"Did Chad inform you of the retreat?" Clara asked, making a cup of coffee.

"Yes," I answered.

"Well, so that you know, you can bring your boyfriend along," Clara mentioned.

"I don't have a boyfriend," I said.

Clara looked at me, quizzically. "Girlfriend?" She asked.

I looked at Clara strangely. "No," I answered.

"Oh, I do apologize for assuming. If you aren't taking, that surprises me," Clara said, offering a smile.

"Well," I started to say until someone interrupted us.

"Mother did Greta tell you that she will accompany me to the retreat," Chad lied.

"Oh? I didn't know you both were close," Clara said, confused.

"Oh, yes. I can't wait to show Greta a good time," Chad smirked.

I don't know what possessed me to say what I said next. "I will be bringing someone with me," I blurted.

Clara and Chad looked at me, quizzically.

"Who?" Clara asked, curiously.

"My husband," I lied.

That declaration surprised Clara, and Chad looked at me strangely.

"Oh, I didn't realize you married," Clara said.

"Yeah, I didn't either," Chad said through gritted teeth, crossing his arms across his chest.

"I prefer not to discuss my personal life. Excuse me," I said, hurrying to my office.

After I walked into my office, I closed the door and leaned with my back against it. Great, now I need to find a fake husband.

After work and avoiding Chad like the plague, I went to Hans's bakery. I needed a bake good to get baked. I walked into the bakery as Diego greeted me.

"Yo, Greta babe, what's shaking?" Diego greeted me.

"Is my brother around, Diego?" I asked.

"Yeah," Diego answered. He went to the window of the kitchen. "Yo, high life, the nugget is here," Diego announced.

"Far out," Hans said as he washed his hands.

My twin brother Hans stuck in the sixties. I blame all the magic herb he smokes.

"What's up, chicken nugget?" Hans asked me.

"Besides my bitch boss, putting the make on me, not much chicken little," I retorted.

"Man, you need to report bitch boss's ass for sexual misconduct," Hans declared.

"It's difficult when your mom owns the company," I replied, sighing.

"Nugget, you need to get it together," Hans said.

"Well, I have a bigger issue," I mentioned.

"What?" Hans questioned with a look.

"I'm going to a retreat for a week for work," I answered.

"That's not so bad, but you're leaving out a part," Hans accused.

"No, I'm not," I fibbed.

"Is your ass hot from your pants on fire, you big fat liar?" Hans questioned me with a knowing look.

I pursued my lips together.

"What did you do?" Hans asked.

"I told my boss, including bitch boss, that I have a husband," I said casually.

Hans looked at me as I stood there, acting nonchalant. Hans turned and yelled to Diego. "Bro, how much herb did you use in that last batch?"

"The same amount! Why?" Diego yelled back.

"Because I'm sure my dumbass sister said she's married!" Hans yelled.

"Congrats, Greta!" Diego yelled from the back.

Hans looked at me as I looked around, whistling. Hans shook his head as I smiled, sheepishly. I needed a miracle and fast, or I will deal with bitch boss.

Diego tossed me a bag of edibles, and I turned to leave, bumping into someone and knocking the person down as I tripped, falling onto the person.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"No harm, no foul, sweet cheeks," someone said.

I looked to see myself lying on Dante Wolf. My eyes widened as he smiled. Well, shit.

That concludes Beauty's Beast. The next installment is Greta Meets The Big Bad Wolf. It's Hansel and Gretel with a twist. That book will arrive sometime this new year after I finish other books.

See you in the next book.


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