The plot thickens

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3rd person

William grew impatient each day, not hearing from the shopkeeper. He wanted the land and Belle's hand. William would destroy the shopkeeper if he didn't receive what he wanted.

"Sir, you have a visitor," a woman announced, standing at the doorway of William's office.

An older woman appeared with a basket. The woman left the older woman alone with William.

"What do you want?" William asked, his tone curt.

"Do not mind me. I'm an elderly lady, who offers a gift of goodies," the woman said, shuffling to the office desk and setting the basket on top of it.

William rose from his seat as the woman open the picnic basket and started removing the contents such as pastries, cakes, and candies. William looked at the elderly lady, annoyed.

"I bring treats for you," the woman said.

"I don't want your treats. I want you to leave and take your items with you. I'm busy," William huffed.

"But, sir, treats help," the woman said.

"Are you deaf and stupid? Get out!" William snapped, pointing to the woman.

The woman looked at William with furrowed brows. William tossed the treats back into the basket, not caring if he destroyed the pastries. He picked up the basket and threw it out the door.

"Now, get out, you old hag!" William barked as the woman shuffled out of the office. William slammed their office door on the elderly lady.

The woman picked up the basket as people walked past, ignoring her. The woman watched everyone as they treated her insignificant, remembering the girl who helped her a few days ago without question.

The woman lifted her basket and made her way out of the building. As soon as the woman was gone and out of the view of people, she waved her hand, changing into her pure form. Locasta walked up to Maleficent.

"What happened?" Locasta asked.

"An intruder happens with plans of his own," Maleficent answered.

Both looked up at the building.

"What now?" Locasta asked.

"Now, we work faster. The books must remain with a guardian, and true love will prevail," Maleficent declared.

"But the man has his eye set on the shopkeeper's house, where the girl lives," Locasta reminded Maleficent.

"Then we alter the rogue's plans. For true love to prevail, an ultimate sacrifice made to break the curse," Maleficent informed Locasta.

"What about the spell you placed on the others?" Locasta questioned.

"One person shall lift the spell reveal the beast's identity," Maleficent replied. Locasta nodded as they disappeared as William came out of the high rise with Lewis.

With the snap of his fingers, William stopped as Lewis looked at William strangely.

"Forget that dinky property, I have bigger plans," William said.

"What plans?" Lewis asked, raising his hands.

William looked at Lewis. "I want the old mansion, and I want the owner to sell," William informed Lewis.

"No one knows who the owner is," Lewis told William.

William leaned towards Lewis mere inches from Lewis's face. "Then I suggest you find out and persuade the owner to sell the house along with the land. If you don't, then I hate to think about your fate," William said.

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