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Belle and I went shopping for Christmas. We wanted to pick up decorations and everything needed for Christmas along with presents for everyone. I asked Arthur to create two individual music boxes for me. Arthur worked tirelessly on the music boxes. Both were gifts for two special people in my life.

Once we purchase items for the party, we went Christmas shopping. Belle was hesitant, but I assured her, it's the time of giving.

We bought different things along with wrapping paper, bows, tape, and tags. Every item picked out with care. After we bought something for everyone, we returned home and brought the bags inside the house.

We spent the entire evening wrapping gifts and placing them under the tree. Then I went to change, returning a half-hour later, dressed as Santa. Belle looked at me and giggled.

"Hi, ho, ho," I bellowed. "Do I make a convincing Santa?" I asked.

"Yes, Santa, you do," Belle said with a smile.

I grabbed a hat with elf ears and put it on Belle. She looked at me strangely.

"Santa can't leave without his helper," I said, winking.

Belle smiled as we left and went back to the store. When we arrived at the toy shop, people stopped and stared as we went to the toys. I placed different toys into the cart, filling it. I handed Belle my card, and she went to check out as I was looking at something.

"Mommy. Look, it's Santa," I heard a little girl whisper.

I glanced to see a little girl around four next to her mother.

"Oh, honey, I don't think," the mother started to say as I put my glove finger to my lips. The mother saw me and nodded.

"Can I talk to Santa?" The little girl asked her mom.

The woman looked at the girl, then at me as I nodded.

"Sure," the woman said as the little girl smiled.

I watched the little girl walk over to me as I crouch in front of the little girl.

"Are you the real Santa Claus?" The little girl asked.

"Maybe," I replied in a deep voice.

"Can I ask you for something?" The little girl asked me with big eyes.

"Sure," I answered, smiling.

The little girl leaned over and whispered, "One day, I want to meet Prince Charming. Mommy said one day, my prince will come like in the stories she reads me."

I smiled. I knew the little girl waited for an answer, and I didn't want to disappoint her with not knowing the girl's name. Her mother mouthed the girl's name to me.

"Aurora, I believe anything is possible, and one day, you will meet your Prince Charming," I said with a deep voice.

Aurora's face lit up, and she threw her little arms around my neck, hugging me. She let go and ran to her mother.

"Did you hear that, Mommy? Santa said my Prince Charming is coming," Aurora said with excitement.

"Yes, sweetheart, I did," the mother replied. Aurora yawned. "Come on, sleeping beauty, it's almost time for bed," the mother said, taking Aurora's hand.

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