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Beast set me down and walked over to a tree. I watched as he swiped at it, knocking it down, which surprised me. He grabbed the tree trunk and dragged it over to me as he lifted me. Beast carried me back as he dragged the tree through the snow.

When we arrived at the house, I opened the door as Beast brought the tree through the doorway. He carried it to the living room and set it up. I opened the boxes and started decorating the tree with Beast's help. As we hung lights, garland, and ornaments, the piano started playing Christmas music.

We stopped and looked at the piano as it continued playing music. I smiled as we kept decorating the tree until we finished. The tree topper is the last item placed on the tree, which was the star. I pulled it out and handed it to Beast.

"Here, you should have the honor since it's your house," I said, handing Beast the star.

Beast looked at it as I held the star to him. Then, Beast reached and lifted me into his arms.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I feel you should place the tree topper on the tree," Beast said as he lifted me so that I could place the star on top of the tree.

I looked at Beast as he looked at me and we smiled. As we stood there, admiring the tree, we heard rustling. Beast turned, and we watched as decorations flew out of the boxes and landed around the room, decorating it.

I watched in awe to find the room decorated. Beast set me down as I walked around, admiring the decorations.

"This house never ceases to amaze me," I mentioned.

"It takes a while to get used to it," Beast said.

I smiled as we enjoyed the sight before us. Now, it felt homey, and I think Beast appreciated it.


I never felt the need to celebrate Christmas or any holiday. I found it useless but watching Belle made me want to celebrate. It's different when you share it with someone you love.

I prepared dinner for us, and we sat at the table, eating. We spoke about different things. Belle told me about her life growing up.

"When I was little, my parents would travel to the woods and cut down a tree. We would hang homemade ornaments on the tree along with popcorn strings. Dad would lift me to put the angel on the treetop. Then the next morning, I would wake to a new book from Santa," Belle said.

"You didn't receive any toys?" I questioned.

"No, toys didn't interest me. I loved books more than toys," Belle said.

I looked at Belle with fascination.

"My dad said my mom would read to me during her pregnancy. When I was born, I arrived with a book in hand," Belle joked.

I chuckled.

"One Christmas, my dad gifted my mom with this special music box that he made for her. It played a special medley for my mom," Belle said.

I looked at Belle with surprised.

"I didn't know your dad made your mom a music box," I said.

"Yes, my dad makes music boxes for a living. He was quite successful until my mom became sick and passed away," Belle told me.

I sat there, speechless.

"Dad took time off to grieve, and during that time, people forgot about the music boxes, ordering them from stores," Belle whispered, not looking at me. "I work at the library to help support us, plus I love working with books. But enough about me, what about you?"

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