Chapter 62 ~ There can't be an us (Pt. 2)

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Nick's POV

Tears continue to stream down Sofia's face. "I'm going to check on the younger ones. I'm surprised that they haven't come out of their rooms with all the noise. I'm also going to call Mrs. Ford to see if she can come and get Isabelle, Emma, and Isaac. They don't need to be here for this."

"Smart idea, babe," I say kissing her forehead.

Sofia walks away to check on the kids. "Be real with me," Tyler says. "What are we really dealing with? Are any of the three of them a danger to themselves?"

"Honestly man, I don't know. We hardly talk about it. Fuck. We didn't even know about Isla until recently. Sadly, you knew about her depression before any of us. Like sure we knew she had been upset, but everyone thought it was from the death of her parents. None of us knew how much worse it really was. Like for me, I can tell you it's not as often as it once was for my anger to get the best of me, but when it does, I am capable of killing. But with what has happened today, I don't have a clue what's going through their minds or what any of the three are capable of."

"So, pretty much we shouldn't leave any of them alone for very long?"

"Yeah, I don't think it would be wise to give them too much time alone."

Suddenly Sofia runs towards us, "I can't find them. They're missing. Oh God, why is everything going wrong?" She cries frantically.

"Babe," I grab her, pulling her into a hug trying to comfort her.

"Who's missing?"

"Emma, Isaac, Isabella. T-they're g-gone," She cries barely able to speak.

Panic arises on mine and Tyler's face. "Fuck," he screams.

"Where could they have gone?"

Sofia's phone starts to ring but she is too distraught to answer it.

"Hello?" I say answering.

"Nick? Where's my sis? Why do I have like a thousand missed calls from her?" Killian asks for concern.

"Fuck dude where have you been? Shit's hit the ceiling and we can't find Emma, Isaac, and Isabelle," I yell in anger.

"Whoa, calm down, they're with me. I took them to see a movie and to get ice cream. They've been trapped in the house all week and I thought they would like to get out," he says not realizing that so much has gone on since they left.

"Why didn't you tell any of us?"

"I left a note on the fridge. Is something else going on?"

"Yeah, things are bad here. Just get here as soon as possible and tell the kids to pack a bag. They're going to be staying with Mrs. Ford for a little bit."

"Okay, we should be home in about ten minutes."

After exchanging goodbyes with Killian, I disconnect our call and hand Sofia back her phone. Sofia and Tyler are both curious as to what Killian said, "The kids are fine. They're with Killian. He took them to see a movie and get ice cream. They should be home soon. Sofia goes ahead and calls Mrs. Ford and asks her to get here as soon as possible."

Tyler and I stand in the hallway outside of mine and Luke's bedroom, just in case we are needed by either Luke or Hayden. True to Killian's word, he arrives at the house ten minutes after we had spoken. Killian charges up the stairs to where Tyler and I are. He takes in our appearance before asking, "What the hell is going on?"

Tyler explains everything that has happened while Killian was gone, and then I explain to Killian about mine, Hayden, and Luke's mental illness. Killian takes in everything with a straight expression. Since I've met him, I've learned that he's good at hiding his emotions. "Okay, so where did Isla go?" Killian asks.

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