Chapter 59 ~ Can you shut the hell up

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(*Warning* This chapter contains more cursing than usual.)

Hayden's POV

Nick. I need to find Nick. I run to his room, but he isn't in there. Where the hell could he be? With Sofia, of course. Crap. That means I will have to walk by Isla's room. I can hear her crying as I pass by her bedroom door. Fuck. I screwed up. I just left her. She was wanting to talk about us, and I cut her off and run out of her room. I just, I just really need to talk to Nick.

I barge into Sofia's room startling her and Nick. "Umm. Are you okay, Hayden?" Sofia asks with concern.

"Yes, no. I mean yes. I uh I just really need to talk to Nick.... privately." Sofia looks at me perplexed but nudges Nick to go with me.

"Dude, what's wrong?" He asks as we walk out of Sofia's room and shut the door behind us.

Nick's face suddenly changes to a mix of anger and hate when he hears crying coming from Isla's room. "Why the hell is she crying?" Nick growls. "Did someone do something to her? Don't tell me Luke tried to kiss her again."

He walks towards her door and is about to open it, but I grab his arm and pull him into my room locking the door. "I- I didn't mean to make her cry."

Nick's eyes widen. "Wait, you made her cry? What the fuck, man?"

"It's not what you think or what she thinks, but I couldn't tell her that."

"So, it was better to make her fucking cry? What could you not tell her that made it okay to make her cry?" Nick asks as his temper starts to grow. I'm going to have be careful with everything I say and do now, because he's definitely on the verge of switching from my best friend, to the guy who will murder me.

"She wanted to talk about us? And, I-"

"And, you what? I thought you wanted her to be your girlfriend. Have you suddenly changed your mind now that you know for sure that she likes you?" He growls, as he balls his fist. " Or did you just want her to piss Luke off or maybe it was the fun of the chase to see who could win her heart first?" Ouch. That hurt. "Or were you trying to see if you could hurt her more than Luke did? Why would you fucking do this to her? Out of everyone in this fucking house, I never thought you would be the one to hurt her." He bellows, as he grabs the collar of my shirt.

"Fuck! Can you shut the hell up?" I spat while shoving him away from me and raking my hand through my hair. "Fuck, Nick. Do you really think that little of me? She isn't a game and I didn't want to hurt her. I love her. I fucking love her. The last thing I want to do is to hurt her. That's why I left her room without talking to her about us."

"That makes no fucking sense, Hayden."

"Fuck. I screwed up. I wasn't thinking straight. I didn't want to ask her to be my girlfriend while we were in her room hiding from everyone else in the house. I wanted it to be special. That's why I left. I wanted to find you, and have you help me plan something special for her, but I wasn't thinking about how she would take me just leaving her room without any real explanation. You have to help me fix this."

Nick paces back and forth in my room. "Damnit. You're so fucking stupid, Hayden. I would really like nothing more right now than to punch you in the face until you become unrecognizable. I thought you were smarter than this. This is the type of stunt Luke would pull. Wow. If Sofia finds out, she will make sure Isla ends up with Killian instead of you. Fuck, speaking of Sofia, you better hope that she doesn't hear Isla crying."

I'm so upset with myself. I don't even know what to do at this moment. "What do I do, Nick? I've got to fix this. How do I explain to her that I left because I want to do something grand and special for her without telling her that I want to do something special for her?" I start to panic. What if I've screwed everything up? "Nick, you have to help me. I-I can't lose her. She was in my grasp and I was stupid."

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