Chapter 14 ~ You're stuck with me for forever

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Hayden's POV

It's been a week since Isla was admitted to the hospital. They have kept her in a medically-induced coma to allow her body to rest. Apparently, Isla hadn't been eating in the two weeks since her parents had passed away. She passed out last week because of low blood sugar, and she was malnourished. Due to the stress she's been under, the lack of sleep and the lack of food, her body was basically shutting down. Thankfully, Isabelle's friend's mom, Mrs. Ford, has been taking care of Isabelle and Isaac.

Nick and I have been trading every other day coming up here after school, so that Isla is never alone. Lucas and Kaira have been up there twice. Not because they don't want to come up here, but because Nick won't let them. Lucas and Kaira skipped school twice to come up here. The only reason we found out was because we overheard Lucas explaining to Beth why he had skipped school. To say that Nick was pissed off would be an understatement. He punched Lucas and gave him a black eye.

Nick wasn't kidding when he said he wanted nothing to do with Lucas and Kaira ever again. Lucas and Kaira have both tried apologizing to him, but he refuses to even be in the same room as them. I on the other hand am conflicted about forgiving them. I'm not the type to hold grudges, but I don't think I am ready to forgive them yet. I get that they're hurting too, but what they did to Isla is wrong. I must constantly remind myself that it's not their fault that Isla is in the hospital, because if not, I get angry. I really do feel sorry for Lucas. I know he's been through a lot in his life. I can hear him crying at night. There are times I want to comfort him, but like I said, I'm still not ready to forgive him.

I sit in a chair next to Isla's bed. Normally I read to her. I don't know if she can hear me or not, but I've been reading Harry Potter to her. Today I'm not reading to her though. The doctor has stopped the medication that has been keeping her in a coma. The doctor said it would take a few hours for her to wake up, but I can't wait. I really miss her. I miss everything about her. I miss her voice. I miss her smile. I miss the way she tries to find the good in everyone and everything.

Isla's POV

My eyes flutter open and squint as my eyes try to adjust to the light. "W-Where am I?"

"Isla? Isla! You're awake. Thank God! You're awake" I hear a very familiar guy's voice exclaim.

"Hayden? What's going on?" I look around the room that I am in. "W-Why am I in a hospital?"

Hayden looks at me with a puzzled expression. "You passed out and you have been in the hospital for a week. What's the last thing that you remember?"

I thought hard about what happened. I remember being in my bedroom, on the bed crying, but why was I crying? All the sudden, my memories of that day hit me like a bag of bricks. "Lu-Lucas and Chelsea." I manage to say as I choke back tears. "Did he really make out with her?"

Hayden looks to the ground. "I'm sorry Isla. He was drunk, but that's still no excuse for his behavior."

I can't help but to cry. I was starting to have feelings for Lucas, in a more than friends type of way. How could he kiss her, Chelsea, after everything she did to me? "Hayden, if you're Lucas' best friend, why are you here?" Don't get me wrong, I am glad that Hayden is here, but shouldn't he be with his best friend?

"Ummm... Lucas and I aren't really friends at the moment."

I snap my head up so fast at his words that I think I pulled something in my neck. "What? Why not?"

"We got into a fight." He says nervously.

"Over what? Y'all are best friends. Y'all shouldn't let some silly fight get in the way of your friendship."

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