Chapter 48 ~ I-I don't know why I said that

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Isla's POV

I'm sitting in the diner, lost in my thoughts when the bell rings signaling that someone is entering. I look up and my eyes widen in alarm.

What in all that is holy are they doing here?

"Aww... it looks like the little slut is all by herself," Chelsea sneers.

What the hell are Chelsea and Kaira doing here?

"Did the guys finally come to their senses and dump you?" Kaira laughs.

Seriously, I can't seem to catch a break when it comes to these two idiots.

I just continue to stare at the two, dumbfounded. We are two hours away from our house, and, somehow, I still run into Chelsea and Kaira. "What are you going to do now that you don't have your bodyguards to protect you?" Chelsea pokes fun of me.

"What are the two of you doing here?" I question, eyeing them carefully.

Chelsea glares at me. "We were on our way home from visiting my family, and we decided to stop for coffee, but, lucky us, we came across you." She evilly smirks.

"And how is that lucky for you?" I ask cautiously.

"We can make you pay for getting us suspended from school," Kaira answers.

I've never been one to let my anger get the best of me, but I can honestly no longer handle these two. With all the shit that Chelsea has done to me, she deserved to get expelled and jail time. She got off easy. "Just try me," I snarl at them. "I'm sick of your shit. I will no longer be your punching bag. You are nothing more than a jealous bitch who deserves to rot in hell."

Chelsea raises her hand to slap me, but I grab her arm and twist it back. "I don't think so," I growl. Her eyes widen with shock, but I'm not through giving her a piece of my mind. "For three and half fucking years you have done nothing but torment me. I did nothing wrong to you. You blamed me for Lucas not liking you. I even turned him down, but guess what? I didn't turn him down for you. I turned him down because I was waiting for someone else. I should have told him yes just to piss you off."

I jab my finger into Chelsea's chest. "Do you know why the guys don't like you? They don't like you because you are ugly. Not your looks, but your personality. Sadly, you would actually be a pretty girl if you would learn to be nice to people and stop caking makeup on your face. Lucas, Hayden, Killian, Nick, and Tyler can't stand you because of the way you act. You act like you own the whole damn world when you don't. And, when you don't get your way, instead of acting like a normal person, you threaten and try to destroy people. Well, I'm tired of it!" I yell. "You may be the big fish in a little pond now, but after this year you will be another little fish in a sea of big fish. No one will care about you once high school is over."

Chelsea scoffs. "And let me guess, you think they'll care about you? Are you really that stupid? No one cares about you, Isla. No one ever has, and no one ever will," she hisses.

Normally her words would hurt me. Normally I would believe her. But for once, I know I have true friends. I have people who really care for me, and, for a moment, it makes me sad that she will never experience that. Of course, that feeling doesn't last for long because Chelsea opens her big mouth. "Those guys only hang out with you because you're fucking them."

All my anger that I have kept bottled up inside is boiling over now. "I haven't slept with any of them, but maybe I will go home and sleep with all of them just so I can say I've slept with the hottest guys in our school, and you haven't and never will." Chelsea turns pale by my outburst.

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