Chapter 42 ~ You wound me baby sis

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It was finally the day of going to the cabin. We were all more than a little excited. Last night Emma, Isaac, and Isabelle stayed with Mrs. Ford so we could pack. They still have no clue that we have rented a cabin for Christmas. I really hope this makes them happy. It's our first Christmas without our parents and I can tell it's getting to them.

Instead of driving any of our vehicles, we decided to rent two large SUVs so that we could fit all our gifts and other stuff that we were taking. I was driving one vehicle with Sofia, Emma, and Isabelle. While Tyler was driving the other vehicle with the guys. We told Emma, Isabelle, and Isaac that we were thinking of buying new vehicles and that was why we were driving the two SUVs.

It was a two-hour drive to the cabin, but time passed by quickly. The four of us were singing Christmas carols at the top of our lungs. By the time we arrived at the cabin, it was already past lunch. "We're here!" Sophia squeals as we pull into the driveway.

Emma and Isabelle's eyes are so wide. "Where are we? What are we doing here?" Emma asks.

Sofia turns around to look at both girls. "We are going to be spending the holidays here." She says excitedly.

Emma and Isabelle squeal so loudly that I'm pretty sure my ears are going to start bleeding.

"Really?" Isabelle asks.

"Yes," I tell her. "We all thought that it would be nice to get away and spend Christmas and New Year's together here."

Once we hop out of the car, both girls run and hug me and Sofia. "This is going to be our first real Christmas." I hear Emma whisper to Sofia. It's a bittersweet moment. I'm glad she's so excited for Christmas, but it breaks my heart that they normally don't get to celebrate it. Their uncle must be a monster.

I go to unlock the door of the cabin, but I am tackled to the ground by my brother. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Sissy! This is amazing!" He says as he squeezes the life out of me.

Nick runs over to us and pries Isaac off me. "Need a hand, Angel?" Killian says as he offers his hand to help me off the ground.

"Thanks," I say as I take his hand. Once I'm standing up, I dust some of the snow off me and unlock the front door. I am starting to freeze, and I want nothing more than to sit by the fire and warm up.

Tyler's POV

The way Isla stares at Killian when he helps her off the ground causes me to feel a pang of jealousy. She looks at Killian like he's some type of hero. She looks at Hayden, Luke and Nick that way too. I want her to look at me like I am her hero. I know that after all that I have done to her I don't deserve her to look at me like that, but I like her. I really like her, and I have for years. I want to be important to her.

She is shivering when we walk into the cabin. "Hey, you're freezing," I tell her. "Go change into something dry, and I will light the fire."

She smiles at me. "Thanks, Ty." Ty? No one has ever called me Ty. I like the sound of it, especially from her.

I grab some pre-chopped wood and stick them in the fireplace. Once I get the fire going, I stare at it in amazement thinking of how romantic it would be if I could just sit down here alone with Isla.

After I've started the fire, I help the guys unload the vehicles. Sofia and Isla offered to help us but we told them not to. We had packed all the gifts in the SUV that Isla was driving and all our suitcases in the SUV that I was driving. "I think we should leave the presents in the car for now." I tell the guys. "We are getting the tree tomorrow. We can bring them in once we have the tree set up."

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