33. Missing you

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After getting used to a life of rough awakenings and loud shouting to get her out of bed, Cameron was pleasantly surprised when she was pulled out of sleep by the feeling of a soft pair of lips on her shoulder and a gentle hand stroking her waist.

"Your brother just left", Sasha whispered in her ear before planting a firm kiss on her neck.

This piece of information made Cameron's eyes shoot open in confusion. In spite of her groggy brain, she tried to think hard. She glanced at her nightstand to check the time, remembered the day it was, and wondered why her brother would leave the apartment at 7am on a Saturday. His game was at 5pm so he had no need to leave this early.

"And you woke me up for that?", Cameron asked in her raspy morning voice and scooted her head closer to Sasha's before closing her eyes to get some more rest.

"No. I was just... Missing you."

"That doesn't make any sense. How can you miss me if you've been sleeping here for like a week?"

"I don't know, Cam. I need to feel close to you that's all", Sasha explained calmly.

Honestly, Cameron felt the same way. Having Sasha basically living here for a whole week had been beyond amazing. Hadn't been for Carter, it would have been fantastic. It was no secret that Sasha's presence was sickening him, but Cameron had hoped he would leave them alone and ignore them. None of that.

When Sasha would come back from work, he would directly lock himself in the bathroom for two hours to prevent Sasha from accessing it. He went as far as stocking all the food in his room just so he wouldn't have to share it with the girls. Of course they had found ways around his "prevention plan", but it deeply pained Cameron to see how much he despised her. She could live with the fact that he didn't share her opinions, but she couldn't handle his persecution.

Because of him, Cameron felt uncomfortable around the apartment. His overbearing presence was preventing her from getting close to Sasha. Even for a smile or a hand holding, he would throw a tantrum and hammer them with insults, which would result in a huge fight, making Cameron so mad that she'd simply sit at her window and smoke like a chimney. This situation was becoming unbearable. She had brought Sasha here to provide her a safe place, but it was far from being it.

"I'm sorry, Sasha", she whispered as she opened her eyes to look at her hot blond.

Without a word, Cameron closed the distance between them to kiss Sasha gently. For a whole hour, Cameron didn't let go of Sasha. She held her in her arms the tightest she could and allowed herself to doze off, the softness of Sasha's fingers as they massaged her scalp making her sleepy.

This was exactly the kind of moment she had wanted to share with Sasha all week but was prevented from because of her brother. And also because of Sasha's obsession to make her catch up with all her late classes. It turned out quite useful and entertaining, but Cameron would have preferred using this time for something else.

"You think I can go prepare breakfast without risk?", Sasha asked in a teasing voice.

"Breakfast can wait", Cameron whispered against her neck and kissed her way up until her lips reached Sasha's.

In her head, it was the perfect moment to initiate what Cameron had been dying to repeat. They were alone in a huge comfy bed, they had a free day ahead of them, and they already were in each other's arms. On top of that, Cameron was feeling quite frustrated. Having Sasha in her bed every night without being able to touch her had been unbearable, so she intended to take advantage of this opportunity.

Given the strength of Sasha's kisses, it was obvious that she was as frustrated as her. Maybe even more considering how fast Cameron found herself on her back, a hungry Sasha devouring her lips and firmly holding her thighs to keep her legs open. She had to admit, this sexy side of Sasha was driving her insane. So insane that she allowed herself to get lost in the moment and enjoy the warmth of the blond's body.

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"The fuck", Cameron breathed out confusedly as she tried to listen for any peculiar noise, but Sasha's eager kisses and strokes were the center of her attention.

She decided to ignore it and focus back on her girlfriend, although this status was still meant to be officially determined. But it started ringing again. It was getting hasty and more insistent, which didn't seem to please Sasha seeing how she sighed and rolled off Cameron.

"I'll be right back, okay? We're not done here", Cameron smiled reassuringly and planted a firm kiss on her hot blond's lips before jumping out of bed.

She grabbed Sasha's sweatshirt from the chair to cover her naked chest and made her way out of the room, not forgetting to glance at Sasha. The simple sight of her was making her insides twich and burn. The only thing she desired in that moment was to be in her arms, to kiss every inch of her soft skin, and to taste her again.

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"For fuck sake", she snapped and crossed the apartment in a flash.

Whoever the person was, Cameron was about to send them packing. And if she had to, she'd even send the pooch after them as a lesson to never interrupt her sleep or her moments with Sasha. But when she discovered who that person was, Cameron's anger immediately vanished and she almost instantly regretted her previous thoughts.


"It's time we have a talk, young lady", her mother said before walking past her.

From the coldness of her voice, it took no more than two seconds to understand what it was about. And her brother was definitely the one behind it.

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