22. Love

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Sasha had never felt more lost and uncomfortable than in front of the newsdealer, her knowledge in cigarette brands equaling zero. But Cameron had kindly asked Sasha to bring her a pack on her way to her apartment. Fortunately, the young man recognized the pack of the picture and gave it to her.

This mission checked off her list, Sasha stopped by the grocery store to pick up a cake for dessert and some chicken nuggets that she knew Cameron liked a lot. From what Sasha had heard, Cameron had gone through a rough couple of days and needed comfort so she wanted to try and bring that to her with food she would enjoy. In the heat of the moment, Sasha also took a pack of Gold Bears that she hoped would make Cameron happy.

The freezing cold weather made the short walk to Cameron's place feel like a marathon. Sasha's teeth were chattering like crazy and her fingers were threatening to solidify. The simple action of ringing the bell hurt her finger. In an attempt to warm herself, Sasha hugged herself and swung her legs on site, waiting for Cameron to turn the keys faster.

"Yes, what's this about?", Cameron asked in a playful tone as she half-opened the door.

"Cam, I'm freezing", Sasha begged in a low voice, not wanting to draw the dog's attention.

"You may enter", she teased and let Sasha in, making her sigh in relief at the wave of heat hitting her skin. "That's all you're wearing?", Cameron asked as she looked Sasha up and down.

"It's my warmest jacket", Sasha shrugged and handed her the bag.

"You can't go through a full winter like that, Sasha. You'll die. I'll give you a coat, okay? I have plenty", Cameron reeled off as she guided Sasha to the kitchen.

"No, you don't have to do that. I'll see if I can find one at the store."

"What did you get?", Cameron asked as she peered at the bag.

From the brightness of her smile, Sasha knew she had hit her in the right spots. Cameron looked eager to try that chocolate cake but her expression when discovering the rest of the items was the most heartwarming. The brunette literally threw herself on her and assaulted her cheek with kisses, blurting out a thank you here and there.

"I have these too", Sasha reached for the cigarettes in her pocket and gave them to Cameron.

"You're a lifesaver", Cameron pecked her cheek again and placed the pack on the counter next to her empty one.

"Are you feeling okay?", Sasha asked right away, her worry not having faded at all.

"Better now that everyone is gone for a few days. It feels good not to have Carter around."

"I thought you loved your brother", Sasha said confusedly, making Cameron sigh and reach for a cigarette.

She hopped on the counter, partly opened the window, and remained silent for a little while. Sasha found it strange. It was unusual for Cameron to be speechless or not to have anything to say. In this case, Sasha could sense that Cameron was deeply troubled by a problem, hence her silence and desperate need of nicotine.

"Turns out no one speaks to me anymore. Only Ryan", Cameron revealed disdainfully, forcing Sasha to lean against the counter from the shock she was feeling.

"How? What happened?", Sasha asked, needing the full picture to be able to comfort Cameron properly.

"A while ago, Ryan came out to me but he asked me to keep quiet about it. He wanted to announce it himself and at his own pace. Things continued to be as they were but when Ryan finally told his friends, my brother assaulted him and then accused me of bamboozling everyone."

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