28. Bolder

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From afar, Sasha could see Cameron's head turning back and forth relentlessly, probably looking for her. The grin on her face was indelible, and it took every ounce of self-control not to shout Cameron's name or sprint in her direction to squeeze her to death. Sasha was feeling delighted tonight, this invitation having swept her previous anger away.

When Cameron finally noticed her, the brightness of her eyes and smile told Sasha they would spend a great night. And when the brunette jumped on her to hug her, Sasha immediately forgot about their surroundings and the outside world. All that mattered was Cameron, her heading smell, her arms tightly wrapped around her neck, and her soft lips assaulting her cheek.

"I was starting to think you wouldn't come", Cameron said in a saddened voice before laying her lips on Sasha's, taking her aback but also adding to her state of happiness.

Something felt different. Cameron's kisses were provoking the same reactions in Sasha's body, but they were bolder. Stronger. More confident. And Sasha understood that Cameron had overcome a new obstacle. The invitation itself was a huge sign, but Sasha could feel that Cameron was more liberated. There was still quite a long way to go, but she was glad and proud that Cameron was looking in the right direction.

"You seem happy", Sasha said as soon as Cameron broke the kiss.

"Because you're here", she answered with a grin and detached herself from Sasha to keep smoking.

"Thanks for inviting me", Sasha said softly.

"I did it on the spur of the moment to be honest. You texted and I just... I wanted to see you", Cameron shrugged and Sasha was once again unable to stop herself from smiling. "Anyway, how are you? Are you okay? Do you need to talk?", she asked as she knitted her eyebrows to analyze Sasha's face.

"I'm fine, don't worry. I just want to enjoy tonight and think about something else. We'll have time to talk later, if you don't mind."

"No, of course. You decide. If you feel good then that's good", Cameron said enthusiastically before throwing the end of her cigarette on the floor. "You ready to go inside?", she asked as she reached for Sasha's hand, lacing their fingers.

Although Sasha was guarded when meeting new people, she still followed Cameron as she guided her towards their table. Two guys were nibbling on nachos and surrounded by countless of glasses, some empty and some full to the brim. It made Sasha wonder how much Cameron had drunk, but she let this thought aside to greet them and introduce herself.

While getting to know Ryan, Sasha wanted to slap herself for ever thinking wrong of him. At first, she had been convinced that he was a bad person and that he wanted to be around Cameron for the wrong reasons. But it wasn't like that at all. Turned out Ryan was educated, intelligent, charismatic and funny. Sasha also perceived him as a humble man who always tried to find the right balance and to stay out of trouble.

Sasha couldn't say the same about Lorenzo. In a sense, he and Cameron were similar. Impulsive, passionate, sincere, and unshameful. Lorenzo was a righteous guy but powered by his feelings. A simple offensive word and he erupted. Of course it had brought him some trouble in the past but Sasha noticed that Ryan was soothing him. In a way they were both learning from each other, Ryan's composure making up for Lorenzo's lack of self-control.

"Don't you have your game tomorrow? It's getting late, you need to get some sleep", Lorenzo said while looking at Ryan.

"I completely lost track of time", he shrugged and downed his drink quickly.

"We should go out!", Cameron exclaimed and looked at Sasha with big expectant eyes. Under other circumstances, Sasha would have said yes, but Cameron had drunk quite a lot and it would become worse if they kept going.

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