3. The blond girl

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When came Monday morning, Cameron had zero motivation to go to uni. Her weekend had been absolutely irritating and she only wanted to spend her day alone in front of The Simpsons with a bowl of Frosties.

This Friday's party turned out to be even more hellish than usual for Cameron. She had the 'pleasure' of being introduced to Ryan, a new transfer who was playing in the same soccer team as Carter but hadn't really sympathized with his teammates until then. However, Carter spent the whole night with Cameron to try to push her in Ryan's arms. Which she did not like. At all. The teasing and the jokes were funny at first but it became annoying and disrespectful, and her friends joined the movement and pressured her until she went to talk to him.

Nothing else than talking happened, but Cameron was mad at her brother. She didn't understand how he was always orbitting around her to chase all the guys who dared approaching her and then how he pestered her with Ryan. On Saturday, Cameron didn't hold back on giving him a piece of her mind and asked him to stop interfering in her relationships. She told him loud and clear that it was her own business and that she wasn't interested in Ryan or any asshole from his soccer team whatsoever. And she didn't go to his game, just to pass the message.

The rest of the weekend was cold but Cameron noticed that she was able to sleep until 10am without being woken up by Carter. As a matter of fact, she spent the whole day alone in the flat and had to clean the whole place on her own since her brother didn't show up until 9pm. They did fight for ten minutes, but then Carter apologized for his behavior at the party and went back to his previous habits, which obviously included waking Cameron up extra early on Monday.

Mondays were synonymous of torture and affliction for Cameron. Having a whole week full of uninteresting classes ahead of her was not motivational and was an open invitation to ditch them. When she parted ways with Carter, she immediately texted her friends to see what they were up to and offered that they got breakfast somewhere and headed to the thrift shop later on. Only Vanessa turned down the invitation but Cameron still joined her other friends, preferring spending time with them over being stuck in a lecture theatre with Zachary and the misogynistic old fart.

"I swear it was so awkward. The guy just came on my leg and fell asleep. He didn't even have time to look for the entrance", London finished her apparently funny story. Cameron didn't see what was amusing part there.

"Imagine dating a premature ejaculator. You never have sex at the end of the day", Maria added between her own giggles.

"I'm sure there are ways to help them. It's just like a sickness, right? Maybe they invented medication or techniques to extend the erection", Cameron said in a serious tone, her own feelings being more compassionate than cheeky.

"Why don't I just give you his number and you can show him your techniques?", London asked in a teasing voice, making the three girls laugh wholeheartedly while Cameron felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Hard pass", Cameron simply said before taking a bite of her pancake to act natural.

"Look at you. You're already so in love with Ryan that you're saying no to other guys", Lupe said a bit too loudly for Cameron's taste.

"You got yourself a hot one, Cammie. Keep him on a tight leash or I'll be the first one to jump on his lap", Maria took a sip of her juice and looked back at her phone.

"Please do", Cammie muttered under her breath and glanced at her lightening phone. In Cameron's head, it was a curse or an evil spell. Right when Ryan came up, he texted her.

Ryan - Hey Cam. Just texting to see how you're doing. Also it was nice meeting you.

Cameron - It was nice meeting you too.

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