29. Yearning

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'Today is the day' thought Cameron when she entered the premises of the stadium with Sasha by her side and Lorenzo following behind.

All the conditions were gathered for Cameron to do this. Sasha was by her side, she really loved her, she wasn't alone, and all the people she dreaded were there, just a few rows above her. She was ready. She knew it. Appearing next to Sasha was already a great accomplishment in her head. All she needed was a little push. A little something. Anything that would make her grab Sasha's hand and flip the bird to her group of hateful friends.

But she was nervous.

They hadn't even chosen their seats that the girls were already calling Cameron over and shouting her name like drama queens. She looked at Sasha, pondering. Some of the girls would probably recognize her from the store. They would ask questions. They would insist until they knew why and how they knew each other, and why Cameron was coming to the game with her. They would accuse her of abandoning them for her new friend.

"Just go. I'll wait with Lorenzo", Sasha smiled sadly and tried to walk past her. But Cameron didn't let her. She couldn't.

"Stay with me", Cameron pleaded in a low voice, her eyes looking for Sasha's so she could see how much she needed this.

"Are you sure?", Sasha asked cautiously, wrapping Cameron in a cloud of warmth and comfort. As long as she had Sasha, nothing could harm her.

Her hands still in her pockets, Cameron climbed the stairs beside Sasha and reluctantly approached her group of friends. For a second, she wondered if she could even consider them her friends anymore. Ever since the Ryan matter, none of them had bothered contact her. Everyone just stopped talking to her and Cameron isolated herself from the group.

She didn't miss them, but she was disappointed in them. Especially Vanessa.

"Long time no see", London greeted her with a fake smile that Cameron only wanted to smash in.

"Yeah, whose fault is that?", Cameron retorted sarcastically, earning a side-glance from Sasha.

"How have you been Cammie?", Vanessa asked in her usual cheerful way. For the first time, Cameron didn't trust it.

"I've been great. Never been better", Cameron answered truthfully and finally took her hand out of her pocket, only to place it on Sasha's lower back. The side glance she received was this time more emphatic and fixed.

"And who's that?", London asked while seizing Sasha, which Cameron didn't like.

She didn't like the disdain and judgment behind London's looks and questions. She didn't like Vanessa's fake enthusiasm. She didn't like the hypocrisy of the girls in front of her. She didn't like the way they were making her feel, as if she was an interloper or a feckless bitch.

She was done.

"Sasha. My girlfriend", Cameron said completely casually. She didn't even know if that was the right term to designate Sasha, but she used it anyway.

"Your...", Vanessa looked back and forth between Cameron and Sasha, utterly horrified and incensed. "No, that can't be true."

"It is", Cameron nodded in confirmation.

"What are you trying to prove exactly? Are you doing this just to continue your stupid rebellion against Carter? Because that's not fair to him, Cam", London stepped in and Cameron felt her rage bursting.

"Is he even aware of that... thing?", Vanessa asked while pointing at Sasha with an expression of disgust. That was it.

"Go screw yourselves. All of you. I've put up with your fake asses for months without saying anything but now I'm done. Who the fuck do you think you are to judge me? You think you're better than me? Believe me, you're not."

She didn't have anything else to say to them. She was done. So she gently pushed Sasha to indicate her she wanted to leave and kept her arm around her back as they regained their seats a few rows lower. Lorenzo was already taking pictures and insulting Apple for being too incompetent to provide convenient and high-quality cameras for their overpriced devices.

As much as Cameron was glad to be here with Sasha and Lorenzo she couldn't enjoy the game, although her comrades-in-arms were captivated by it. The only thing Cameron was enjoying was to see Sasha so enthralled to watch a soccer game. The blond beauty was commenting every action, cheering for Ryan from the top of her lungs, and grimacing when a tough fault came up. Cameron loved this side of her. She loved to see Sasha let go and have some fun.

If they'd been alone, Cameron would have been kissing her already. She was literally shining and Cameron couldn't get enough of this image. If the blond hadn't been fascinated by the game, Cameron would have begged her to go home just so she could have some alone time with her. Because that's what she needed. To be alone with Sasha. To kiss her. To ask her if she actually was her girlfriend. And to pick up where they had left things off the night before.

But she let Sasha enjoy the game until the end, not wanting to take this moment away from her. The second the referee blew the end of the game, Cameron couldn't hold back anymore. She reached for Sasha's hand to lace their fingers and looked into her magnificent brown eyes. She was moved by their brightness. She was filled with emotion when Sasha grinned at her before smashing her lips on her cheek.

Cameron thought crazy that this small gesture made her feel more loved and appreciated than she'd felt in her whole life. She couldn't explain it, but she didn't mind feeling like this as long as Sasha was provoking it.

Ryan was the first one to exit the locker room and he didn't waste any time before pulling Lorenzo into a hug. He wouldn't stop smiling. He was so happy that his team had won thanks to his free kick that he wanted their new group of four to celebrate with dinner. Cameron would have loved that. She loved dinner and drinks. But she caught a piece of information and didn't want to miss the opportunity.

Except for Ryan, the whole team was going out right away and planned to spend the night at the goalkeeper's place. It was her chance to spend the whole night with Sasha. Therefore Cameron pretended feeling tired from her short night as a way to politely decline the invitation. She didn't have to explain it to Sasha though. They were both on the same page and they both wanted the same thing. A private setting where they could be together.

Not a single word was spoken on the way back to Cameron's place. Looks were exchanged. Smiles were given, sometimes shy, sometimes cheeky. Kisses were stolen here and there. Both of them were letting their body language speak for themselves and express this deep feeling they were reciprocating but couldn't put into words.


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