14. A bed to sleep in

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"No, stop it!", Sasha exclaimed firmly and dodged the plastic plate that her mother had thrown at her, letting it hit the window.

She glanced at the clock and saw that it was already 8:15pm, making her grow even angrier. This time, Sasha would not let her mother ruin her night, even less if this night involved Cameron. So she took the matter into her own hands, held her mother's arms behind her back, and forced her to walk until they had reached the bedroom.

"Now you listen to me because I won't repeat myself. You calm the fuck down or I'm locking you in the room for the whole night."

"You have no right to touch me, Sasha. I will call the police on you!"

"Oh yeah? How? You smashed your phone against the wall yesterday, remember?", Sasha dropped her mother on the bed and immediately left.

At this point, Sasha had a single thing in mind: running. The restaurant wasn't that far from her house and she was already late so she hurried the most she could, hoping Cameron wouldn't think she had bailed on her or stood her up. Luckily for her, Cam was outside of the restaurant, cigarette in mouth, probably mad at her for being so late.

"Cam", she called out of breath and noticed Cameron's eyes widening in shock.

"Oh my god, are you okay?", Cameron asked worriedly as she approached Sasha and lay a soft hand on her arm.

"I'm so sorry. I was ready to go and then-"

"Hey, calm down. You're good", Cam said in a soothing voice before wrapping her arms around Sasha's shoulders, engulfing her in an embrace that she never knew she needed so much. But now that she was in the comfort of Cameron's arms, she never wanted to leave them.

"I'm really sorry", Sasha repeated before being shushed by Cameron.

"Come on, let's get you inside", Cam instructed and took a last drag of her cigarette before stubbing it out and throwing it in the garbage can.

While Cameron went to the bathroom to wash her hands, Sasha used the spare time to recover and find her normal breathing again. The fresh water on the table came at the perfect moment and after drinking half of it, she politely asked for a refill before Cameron came back. At least they would have enough for the whole dinner.

"Are you feeling better?", she asked when she regained her seat in front of Sasha.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just relieved that you're not mad at me."

"I think I'm starting to figure you out pretty well and I know you have a valid reason for being late. Probably something that held you back against your will."

"Spot on", Sasha snorted and smiled to herself, impressed by Cameron's perceptiveness.

"And I would say that it's related to your bruises", Cameron added, making Sasha feel vulnerable once again.

"It is", she nodded in confirmation, not feeling the strength to lie or sugarcoat things around Cameron.

"I'm not gonna worm it out of you. But whenever you feel ready I'll be right here, okay?"

"I know", Sasha smiled brightly in gratitude and opened her menu to decide on what she would order. Her phone had to once again bother her though.

Dr Schumer - How is everything going? Do you need any extra help?

Sasha - She was going crazy so I left.

"How was work? Did you have many customers?", Cameron asked, allowing Sasha to focus back on what was happening in front of her instead.

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