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Kelldrick 🐘

Li Jodie


Kelldrick 🐘
Pull up


Kelldrick 🐘
Yb house

😂😂😂yeah bye

Kelldrick 🐘

I'm good

Kelldrick 🐘
Bring yo bald ass head on. You and Yb needa stop playin

I'm not playin. Now I gotta go, I'm livin my best life right now

Kelldrick 🐘
Fuck yo best life. Bet I'll burn that new house down

How did you....

Kelldrick 🐘
Don't worry bout how I know

I'm filing a restraining order

Kelldrick 🐘
Bring yo long ass neck over here dumb bitch

My neck ain't long!?
And who you callin a bitch

Kelldrick 🐘
It's only two of us textin
Stop playin Jodie

I'm not coming Kd.
Me and your boy don't have shit to discuss and we have no reason to be around each other

Kelldrick 🐘
So y'all doin all this fr?
All cause Yb blame you for losin the baby



That one text message was enough to set me off

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That one text message was enough to set me off. Next thing I knew, I was en route to Kentrell's house because I wasn't gonna let that shit fly

I walked straight into the house and slammed the door closed catching everybody's attention. The whole gang hung around the living room and Kentrell was there as well with some bitch sitting beside him hugging on his arm

"Fuck you doin in my house?"

"So it's MY fault I lost the baby?" I yelled at him. Everybody looked at Kentrell, including his lil girlfriend. She then looked at me again and frowned up her face

"Who the fuck are you?"

Instead of even answering her I just glared at Kentrell. Not once did he look me in my face

"I ain got time fa this"

"Well you better find some fucking time. You blamed me over something I COULDNT CONTROL"

Kd walked into the living room and smiled once he saw me

"Aye Jodie!"

I mugged him then went back to looking at Kentrell

"Kd you fucked up man" Ben told him with a laugh and Kentrell brushed the girl off of him before standing up. He walked off to his room and I followed behind him

"So you can answer my question? Apparently you got some shit you wanna get off your chest about that damn baby"

He tried to close his room door in my face but I pushed it open and walked up to him. A smirk spread across his face as I stood face to face with him

"You think you bold as shit right now huh?"

"I AM bold. Kentrell you don't scare me! You ain't shit but a sorry ass nigga and I was stupid enough to waste all that time on you"

"But you was cryin over this sorry ass nigga. Dumb bitch" he told me with a laugh then walked off

"I'm dumb?"

"As fuck"

I shook my head and crossed my arms

"Thank you, for letting me know how you really feel. And since it's like that I'm glad we didn't have that baby. Cause then I would've been stuck witcho stupid ass for the rest of my life" I aggressively pushed him backwards and as I tried to walk out of the room he grabbed me by my sweater, slamming the room door close

"Let go of my damn shirt" I fussed while I tried to yank his hand away but he wouldn't let go. He pushed me up against his dresser aggressively, finally looking me in the face but I pushed him back again

"I hate you. I really do"

"You got one mo' time to push me" he warned me through gritted teeth

"Or what?" I asked, pushing him again. Kentrell then grabbed me by my neck and I started swinging on him, causing us to go into a full out brawl. Stuff fell on the floor, hit the walls and flew across the room but we were still going at it. I never found myself fight a boy until today but Kentrell really tried me

"The hell yall got goin' on?" Three asked while he barged into the room, trying to break us apart. Eventually with the help of boomer and Ben we finally separated.

"The fuck you put your hands on him for?" The girl yelled at me and just as I was about to go to her next Kd pushed her out the room while Ben grabbed me

"Yb chill out bro" baby joe told him before looking at me. we both glared at each other, being held on different sides of the room.

The look in his eyes showed nothing but pure hatred. He also wore a cut on the side of his face from when I must have scratched him

"You good?" Baby joe asked me but I didn't answer

"I hate you. With everything in me Kentrell and I never thought I would say that to somebody I wanted to spend forever with"

"Get the fuck out my house and don't come back" he spat at me before breaking loose from three and boomer. He then walked past me, brushing my shoulder before walking out the room

"And you lucky I ain kill yo' dumbass. Stupid ass bitch"

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