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Li baby?



Getting dressed. Why?

Way U goin

You asking a lotta questions😂... but nowhere, I'm just alone and bored


I'm bout to come pick u up. Be ready


Once Kentrell shot me a text letting me know he was outside, I grabbed my purse and a thin jacket to put on when it gets cool outside because I was wearing just a pair of leggings and a cropped tank top

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Once Kentrell shot me a text letting me know he was outside, I grabbed my purse and a thin jacket to put on when it gets cool outside because I was wearing just a pair of leggings and a cropped tank top.

Once I had all of my stuff, I quickly exited the house, turning on the alarm and locking up before leaving. Kentrell's all black hellcat was parked behind my white BMW so I walked over to it and got inside

"Way yo clothes at?" Kentrell asked as he examined my body and I looked at him as I closed the door, putting my seatbelt on

"I wasn't planning on going anywhere. Where you taking me?"

"To my house" he answered while backing out of the driveway and he started driving out of my neighborhood and to his house. The ride there was mighty silent and knowing Kentrell for a while now... this wasn't like him. I turned to look at him and could tell by his face that something was wrong


He looked over at me "What"

"What's wrong?"

"Nun... you want some to eat fa we go over they?"

" no I'm good. I ate some pancakes right after you text me"

Kentrell chuckled and shook his head "some pancakes?"

"Yeah. What's wrong with pancakes"

"Nun" he responded as he continued to laugh while driving. After a good little ride we ended up at his house. Once we walked inside I saw a couple of bags in the living room on the chair

"You traveling or something?" I asked while pointing to the bags and he shook his head

"Them my li brothers. He stayin wimme fa a li bit but he went out fa the night"


I followed him down the hall and into a nice sized bedroom. He laid back on the bed and I closed the door behind me before walking over to the bed

"You just wanted somebody to lay up under?"

He nodded and I laughed while sliding my sandals off and laid on the bed with him.

"You know what. Sometimes you remind me of a big baby. All you need is a little TLC and you good"

"I just might need it"

"Don't worry. I'll show you some tender love and care" I laughed a little and he looked at me causing our faces to be only a few inches away from each other

"I'm surprised yo momma ain say no crazy shit when she saw me at y'all house the other day"

"That's because she's happy that she finally sees someone other than Amika come over. Especially a boy"

"You ain ever had a boyfriend before?"

"Not really"

Kentrell sat up a little and looked at me funny


"Yeah. I mean, I messed around with one or two when I was trying the whole rebel thing but other than that... no. To be honest you the first guy I actually gave a chance so you should feel special"

Kentrell began to smirk

"Cause I got it like that"

"Actually it's mainly because you wouldn't leave me alone. But yeah, you really are growing on me.. a whole lot"

"A whole lot" he repeated with a laugh and I propped my head up with my hand


Kentrell smiled and somehow I just started leaning into him until our lips touched. Kentrell instantly pulled me on top of him to where I was now straddling his lap while our tongues wrestled and our lips moved in sync. Eventually he flipped me over and climbed on top of me, kissing and sucking on my neck. I could feel his friend harden up through the joggers that he wore and I bit my lip. The minute I felt him began to grab onto the waistband of my tights my heart began to race a little but I just didn't want him to stop. I guess we both got caught in the moment because before I knew it I was finally having sex with Kentrell

A few hours later

It was going on 11 o clock and I knew my mom was probably wondering where I was so after taking a shower and chilling with Kentrell, he took me home.

"Either text or call me when you make it back home" I told Kentrell as I opened my door a little

"I gotchu"

I kissed him before getting out of the car and make my way into the house, using my key to unlock the door. Once I made it inside, I went straight upstairs and I guess my mom could hear me because she called out my name


I rolled my eyes and stopped from entering my room to go down to the other end of the hall to hers. I pushed her cracked door all the way open and saw her laid back in the bed with her phone in her hand and her flat screen lit up the room with Law & Order:SVU , her favorite show, playing


She looked up from the phone and at me

"I was looking for you when I got home. I saw your car was still here"

"Yeah. Kentrell came and picked me up"

"Kentrell came and picked you up..." she repeated and I nodded. She patted the spot next to her and I mentally sighed, knowing she was about to have one of her girl talks

"Come onnn" she smiled as I walked over to the bed and sat down

"You wanna talk about Kentrell. Don't you?"

"Don't lie to me... he's more than just a friend. Ain't it?"

"I mean... yes... I don't know. Honestly I'm not sure"

She turned her head to the side a little and nodded while chuckling "you sure about that?... cause I'm pretty positive y'all are more than friends"

"Why you say that?"

She grabbed my head and turned it a little to my left "this hickey on your neck says otherwise"

I immediately closed my eyes as if that was gonna change anything

"Jordyn you're 19. I knew it was gonna happen sooner or later"

"You knew what was gonna happen?"

She rose her eyebrow and gave me a look "I know exactly what I was doing at 19 so don't try to play stupid. Just promise me you playing it safe"

"Yes ma'am"

"Alright now.. I know it's late and you probably wanna go get on the phone with this little Kentrell boy so we'll finish talking later" she kissed my forehead and I got up off of the bed "goodnight baby"


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