The Taste of Kisses

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Don't kiss her
But if you do
Know that she tastes strongly
Like leftover coffee
A day too old and stale

And know that there are sores
Carved into the tender patches
Of her cheeks
She'll claim
That the sores are there
Because she chews her cheeks
When she's nervous
But they exist because
Of the acidity
In the caffeine
She consumes

Know that if
You kiss her in the winter
There will be a faint taste
Of peppermint creamer
On her tongue
And Blistex chapstick
On her lips

Know that if you kiss her
In the summer
She will taste like tigers blood
Ocean Water sonic drinks
Iced coffee
And giggles  

Don't kiss her though
But if you ever do
Know all of this
You'll expect her to
Taste like sugar and spice and everything nice
But she tastes like coffee
Snow cones
And giggles

Song Credits: Coffee (Joel Adams)

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