But Oh Her Insecurities

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There was a girl
She was gorgeous and wild
Her freckles dotted from her hands to her toes
Her scars, some etched so thinly that they were only seen by her,
Some scars cut so deeply that they could never be hidden yet were always unseen
She was wild and beautiful
But oh her insecurities

She was wild, so wild
Yet wild creatures can be caught
She was free till forever
Or so she had thought
She had been so free
So wild
So content and so calm
Maybe that's why her cage seemed so scary
When it closed with a bang
Her freedom was quickly replaced
By her insecurities

Her insecurities grew
And with them her hate
Soon people understood her fears,
They too joined her cage

She grew still darker
Her scars etched too deep
For no longer did she hate alone
Her hate seeped and seeped
It grew, it festered
It poisoned, it bleed
Hate left her thinking she was better off dead

Her friends stopped supporting
Stoped loving
Stoped caring
For they could no longer see past her doubts
For all she was was hate

When you hate and you hate
You'll realize to late
That it's a disease more deadly than fate
You can't escape it
You'll only spread it around
For the only defense for hatred
Is the love between friends
The insecure girl learned a little too late

She learned that hate spreads
And that you can't lie to others
For when you say "I'm ugly"
They'll start believing too
Because hate starts from insecurities
But it can't end with them too

Hate must be fought with love
With power
With trust
Put away your fear
Love, and love others, that's all that that's a must

Love is the answer
Love will always win
Hate is a liar
And lies are a sin

So put away your fears
Your lies and your doubts
Trust one another
And love without fear
For otherwise, insecurities will draw hate steadily near

It's time to stop fighting
It's time to let love win
For when you start loving
Life will start again


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