Heartbreak or Numbness

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In the end,
I don't really
Even care
If I get to love again
I just want
My heart to stop breaking
And over
And over again

I don't care if love resumes
I simply want the pain
Of lost love
To stop

There's a scene
In Once Upon a Time
Where a man
Begs the evil queen
To rip out his heart.
She warns him,
That if she does,
He'll be numb forever
And never able
To love again
Yet he accepts that
And chooses to be numb
Rather than suffer

I'm not there, yet
I still remember how numb felt
How it broke me.
I don't want to be numb,
But I don't need to be in love,
I simply wish,
That the pain would stop
And I could feel
Normal again-
Like my passions and people
Are enough of a love
And a life
For me


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