I Caught L o v e

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I wasn't able to find love
For a long time
The part of me
That was supposed to love
And be loved
Was too broken to work
For a long time
But then one day,
I woke up
And that little part inside of me
That was too broken to work
Was suddenly ticking
It was a faint tick
So faint that I almost didn't believe
It was working once more
But it was there

Yet I didn't understand
How it was there

Slowly I began to realize
The tick was because I had found love
Not a lover
But love
I had glimpsed it everywhere
Caught fragments of love in my palms
Without realizing what I had even
Been catching

I had caught love in the
around the waist hugs
Of a childhood friend

I had caught love in the chance
To have a fresh love
To love a kid who had never
known me before
Who did not know
I was incapable of love

I caught love in the hoodie
Of a bother
Who gave me his clothes
Even when he loved them
Because he knew I loved
His hoodies more

I caught love in dance parties
Doing stupid dances
In the kitchen
With my youngest
To video game music
I didn't even know

I caught love in tea and worship music
There I found a peace
I hadn't known
That I longed for

I caught love in morning devotion
An early morn focus
That brought out knowledge
Of the Bible
I had for so long craved

I suppose that in short
I could say that
I caught love in people
People who never stopped loving me
And who showed me
That I could still love them
I caught love in God
A savior who lights me on fire
And I caught love in family
A family who will never leave me

"For I am yours, and you are mine"

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