Thank You

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Thank you
Thank you for teaching
me to trust again
Thank you for helping
The girl
Who wouldn't let anyone help her
Not even herself
Thank you for tagging me in posts
For saying "this is so us"
For showing me that I'm human
And that I'm capable
Of loving still
And of being loved
And if feeling
Thank you for being the person
Who called me friend
Who said they loved me
Who never made me feel
Like I owed them
Or had to lie
And say "I love you too"
When I couldn't
Not then
Not in the state I was in

Thank you
Thank you for being
The person
That I woke up to
One day
And realized
"I have a best friend"
That terrified me for awhile
So thank you for saying it first
Before I could
Thank you

Thank you for teaching me
To trust again
I don't know
If you even knew you were
Helping me
Guiding me
Loving me
I don't even think you knew
How broken I was
How often I lied
How much I hurt
But you helped me
You helped heal me
You taught me to trust again
Thank you for being that person
I love you
I trust you
And because of you
I love and trust me a little more too

I'm not perfect
I'm not whole
Not yet,
But I'm a lot closer to contentment
A lot more loving
A lot more trusting
Than I was
Before you loved on my life
So thank you
Thank you for teaching me
To trust again  

 [p o e t r y]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें