Aries POV: first kiss

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A/N: It's been more than a year since I updated Aries. I know. Right now, I just wanted to finish the two bonus chapters from Aries' POV. After this, there are two more bonus chapters. I will update it when I can.

Guys, get ready. This chapter is about 9k+ words. It's a very long chapter. 

While I had personally seen Mizar grow up, Miguel was a shifter I considered a friend. He was no less than Ursa in my heart. I could not see him be heartbroken by Kendra.

In one way, it was a good thing that she did not come down. It was best if she never saw Miguel again. That little Phoenix deserved someone who could love him the way he would love them.

But Mizar's appearance brought me a lot of questions. About what happened back to me. And most importantly of all, who Lyra was.

After that conversation, I was sure that I knew Lyra from before. Like I knew her way before I knew Mizar. Something in me was so in tune with her.

But I was not bothered by her identity. She could be an Ecthos for all I cared. She was my Soul-Bound and we would be together for the life span of this universe if she wanted me.

I took her to the clearing where I had first shifted to my wolf. Though it was a peaceful place, it trapped the energy from the universe directly.

A thousand stars blinked at us through time, as if they knew Lyra and I would come here tonight. My eyes traced the hidden Southern Cross.

Under the starlight, Lyra was ethereal. Like she was going to rule over them. Over anyone. Her eyes caught the freedom of space and her soul had the wickedness of chaos.

Here she was unrestrained. I was not sure if she knew this herself, but she looked so damn beautiful and sexy.

My heart raced. What the hell was this about? I tried to control it, but then stopped myself. I was not doing anything wrong. I was just falling in love with this female in front of me more and more. She was my Soul-Bound in addition. A bond which we had created ourselves. It would be weird if I did not feel anything for her.

But if racing heart and nervousness were a part of all this, then I was all in. It was not about who was more in control and who appeared better. It was about love. Simple as that.

And just when I thought I was all alone in this game, her heart matched mine. Whether it was mimicking because of the bond or she was feeling the same, I did not know. But I enjoyed this. Her. Us.

For a minute I was tempted. Tempted to freeze time and take her to a dimension where only we existed. Lock us there and ignore the rest of the universe.

I snapped at myself internally. That was so wrong no matter how tempting it was. Even if I was her Soul-Bound, I was in no position to deprive of her freedom. If she chose to come with me, it was another thing. But I would never take her away from the family she knew and loved.

For now, I will revel in this rare moment of peace where I hoped time would flow slow.

"This place," Lyra said, breaking the warm silence. "Is not what it seems like, is it?"

She was not a creature of Earth. Even the most powerful Alpha, Omicron or Zayin would not sense the difference in this place. All the more reason to find out who she truly was.

I said, "You're right. Long ago, when the worlds were being built, there were connections between the worlds. With time, the connections faded save for the Dungeons, Chasms, Tunnels and a few more. But some connections remained and this place is one such connection. Since it connects space, it connects time and matter too. What is abstract here in this world may not be abstract in others. What three dimensional here need not be so in other worlds." I may not have gone to all the worlds existing, but each one was different on its own. "Everything is a string of connections. Perhaps that's why you saw those flashes. Flashes from the past."

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