Chapter 27.3

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Hello! I know. I am back from my slumber. I am back.

You might want tissues for this chapter.


"Cain?" Liv hissed. "What are you doing up there?"

Cain looked down at the female who was glaring at him with her hands over her hip. That anger that coursed in her eyes!

By Amaris! He wanted to turn it into a flood of passion. Of getting her to the edge and making her beg for release. Perhaps then he would know what it was to play with a wildfire.

He cleared his throat, feeling sheepish. This female was reprimanding him and all he thought was how to pin her to the tree and-

"Cain!" Liv snapped as low as she could. "What in the Moon's Lair are you doing up on a tree?"

He signalled her to be quiet as he peered down again. To see a victim.

A victim of another false mate bond.

A female who was rejected by that so-called mate of hers.

She thought that the bond she had with her mate was the true one and when he chose his wife over her, she was heartbroken.

How he wished to comfort her by telling her that the man was never hers.

But if he was to tell, he would betray Luna's trust and not to mention the people who kidnapped and chained his Goddess would find about what Luna had done. At least until Luna was free or until Lyra was born, he would keep his mouth shut.

But by Amaris, he could not.

He could not pretend that he did not know how much this female was hurting.

He could not turn a blind eye. Even if he knew that this rejection was for the best, he wanted to hunt that human down and spill his blood.

He could not simply see the strong, mighty warrior cry when she thought no one was seeing her.

He could not see his sister cry and leave her.

Even if she never knew he was there for her, he would always be there for her. Isn't that what brothers swear to their little sisters?

What if her pain got worse and she decided to end her life? What would he do without Rhaze?

Last week, Cain bet a two days after she met her mate, he was looking after her and he found her here, passed out.

He had carried her home like a baby and laid her on her bed before covering her with a blanket and leaving. Next day, Rhaze never asked who brought her home and he would not ask her about it. At least not until her wound was still bleeding.

After five minutes, Rhaze got up and shifted to her wolf, not thinking about the shredded clothes and ran with a speed not many could possess.

Rhaze was aiming to be a delta and she would make one hell of a delta.

He climbed down to see Liv sigh at him.

"I don't know if it is borderline creepy or if it is protectiveness," she commented.

"She is my baby sister, Liv," Cain said. "I can't bear to see her in that pain. Especially when I know what it is to be rejected."

Liv came forward and hugged him.

"What are you doing?" he asked, trying to step away. "I literally own you, female. You have no right to touch me-"

"Shut up," she said. "To your first question, I am hugging you. And yeah, master, you own me. But as your slave I should know when to comfort you."

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